(Jer. 1:5a-Amp.) "Before I formed you in
the womb I knew you, {and} approved of you {as my chosen instrument}, and
before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you."
(John 15:16a-Amp) "You have not chosen Me, but
I have chosen you and I have appointed you."
Validation - the process of approving or confirming.
When we know who you are, whose we are and the direction our
life is headed, we shouldn't require validation from others. Some people look
to others to define who they are or what they can become if they are validated
by certain "cliques".
Some will even allow the definition of others and their
validation to make them get stuck in their past and prevent them from moving
forward. It is so important for us to seek the approval of God, first and
foremost. I'm reminded of the situation with David as a young lad taking his
brothers lunch to the battlefield one day after being anointed by Samuel (I
Sam. Chapter 17). When he arrived on the scene, he saw how the army of the
Lord had backed down because of the giant, Goliath. David had been validated by
God. He took the challenge of taking on this Giant! They tried to put
"unapproved" armor and battle attire on him before sending him out to
fight. It didn't fit him and he told them the attire hadn't been approved or “validated”.
David didn't need man's validation or their help to defeat
the enemy. He had already been validated by God. Of course, you know the rest
of the story. Yes, David killed the Giant!
Whatever the world around may say about us shouldn't matter
as long as we choose to go by what God has said about us. When God has
validated us, nobody can change that. We become too blessed to be cursed! If
there are areas in our lives which need fine-tuning, then let us do what's
necessary to make those adjustments. Sometimes, when we stand too far away from
the mirror, it's hard to see the spots or specks on us. We have to move in
closer for a better view to examine what we didn't see due to the distance. Let
us allow God to place us in front of His mirror (His Word) to show us what is
needed to be who He wants us to be according to His plan and purpose. When we
do this, we won't need the validation of others because we have been
"God-approved" and His stamp on us is proof enough against anyone
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