Isa. 43:2 - When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
In the business or trade world there is such a person who acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller/the customer and the consumer. Their job is to negotiate and make business propositions which are acceptable to both parties so they won't have to. It eliminates a lot of stress from both parties. It frees you from dealing with transactions or confrontations. This is in the natural aspect.
However, spiritually speaking, we all can testify according to the scriptures, the many times God provided deliverance by becoming and providing a "middle man" for His people during times of despair, danger and trouble. We all need someone to stand in the middle for us when we are faced with danger on the left side and on the right side and there is no one or nothing to turn to but God. This is the time when that "middle man" is needed. He was there for the Israelites with Pharaoh's army behind them and the Red sea in front of them. God provided the "middle man" to create a way for them to escape this horrific peril by opening up the sea as they walked on dry land.
The video snippet above depicts the story of how God again stepped in and allowed the "middle man" to stand in the midst of this furnace, protecting the men from the fire so they couldn't burn up. Remember the position of Jesus' cross on Calvary? It was between the two thieves. He was the "middle man" for all of us by dying on the cross to save us from our sins and resurrected to give us eternal life.
I can't speak for you but I depend and rely on my "middle man." His name is Jesus. When trouble surrounds me or there seems to be no way out, I can call on him and he becomes my "go-between" person - my "middle man". He promised us in his word (as posted) that he would walk with us through the valley, through waters and through fire. Isn't it good to know that you have someone who will stand in the gap - in the middle for you so you don't have to? I'm grateful for my "Middle Man" (Jesus)! Who is your Middle Man?
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