Thursday, July 18, 2013

(Luke 2:42,45-47,49): "And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem after the custom of the feast. And when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking him. And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard him were astonished at his understanding and answers. And he (Jesus) said unto them (Mary and Joseph), How is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?"

Business - Serious work or endeavor
Busyness - Meddlesome; prying; Cluttered with detail to the point of being distracting.

          Each day we arise, we are either doing one of the two listed above. We are either carrying out our daily business or we are busy doing other things. We must be careful not to get so involved in our "busyness" that we forget about the business we have been called to do. As believers, it is our duty or job to witness, share the Gospel and compel others to consider following and accepting Christ in their lives. The moment we accepted Christ into our lives, we became workers for him in the business of soul-winning and disciplining others. As mentioned in the text, Jesus was adamant even at a young age to be about His Father's business. He knew his time was short and had to redeem the time he had in order to complete his assignment on earth. We cannot allow the busyness of the day or the cares of our lives to hinder us from doing the work God has placed in our hands and hearts to do. When we allow these things to occur, we lose focus and our busyness replaces the business at hand.
          Working for God is a serious task and requires our dedication, consecration, motivation, application and preservation to complete what He has given us. Jesus and some of his followers stopped by Mary and Martha's home while doing Kingdom's business one day (Luke 10:38-42). Martha was so concerned with making sure the house was tidy and the food was properly plated for her guests that she forgot what was most important. She was so busy worrying about the wrong business at hand. These things mattered less to Jesus. Mary, on the other hand, only wanted to listen to Jesus and what he had to share. Of course this didn't' sit too well with Martha. She felt Mary should have been busy helping her prepare for their guests. Jesus' reply was "But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part." It is important that we keep our homes in order, etc., but never allow them to take our focus on the real work that matters to the Father. Of all the tasks we have to do, let us not get so "busy" that we put off doing His "business". God's Business is Soul-Saving Business (Workers needed)!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

(I Peter 3:12a) "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers."
(I Peter 5:7) "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
(Psa. 138:8a) "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me."

           In the business and corporate and church world, it is vital for meetings to be held periodically and consistently among the administrators, staff and employees. Meetings of this sort are needed to help to strategize and to communicate in order to gain input, suggestions and even complaints on how to better the company/business in order to be progressive and successful. Communication among each other will help provide means of solving problems at hand. After all the information is evaluated, the next step is to apply them.
         In our spiritual life, we have been given a way to communicate with our boss/head of our life which is or should be God. He is concerned about what is going on with us and wants to be a vital part of solutions we encounter. If we fail to communicate with Him, His help to us is limited and our problems are not solved. If we want help we have to let Him in our "business"! If something is troubling us, we should take it to Him in prayer. He will take the time to listen to us and will answer us. It's up to us to stop and realize that our answers are not in what we can do, but what He can do. We often look to others hoping they can solve our problems. We look to other sources thinking our answers are there.
         When we have finally exhausted ourselves through all these means, we will realize that the problem still exist. We fail to bring it to the one who can only solve it-- God and Him alone! Many resort to acquiring and paying counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, palm-readers, therapists, etc., thinking they will solve their issues. You may receive some valued advise or remedies but God solves the problems. We must A.S.K. (Ask/Seek/Knock) according to Matt. 7:7 if we want to receive His help. There is no monetary fee involved with asking and praying to Him. However, you must have faith to believe He is able to do whatever you ask of Him. (Heb. 11:6b) -"For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
           It is so important that we talk and communicate to and with Him. Prayer in faith to God is the key to unlocking the answers to our situations. Prayer gives us an access line to Him. If we fail to pray and communicate with Him, our answers will not be forwarded to us. Just as many of us communicate daily and consistently with others on our cells, email or Facebook, God's desire for us is to talk with and to Him. Yes, He definitely answers Knee-mail! Just because you don't see Him doesn't mean He isn't there. He is everywhere and nearer than you can imagine. How can someone know what we need or what's bothering us unless we talk to them? God wants us to express to Him our problems and concerns so He can help us.
           We don't have to wait for a monthly or quarterly meeting with our Boss (God). We can talk to Him anytime, anyplace and anywhere. There are no calling fees; unlimited calling; No expiration dates and the lines are always open to His children. Let us make it a priority to communicate with Him daily before we meet and greet anyone else. If we start the day talking with Him, our day will progress much better and our concerns will be His and not ours. Have you had your meeting with Him today?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mark 11:24) "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them."
(James 1:17a) "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the father of lights" .

Gift- Something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation.

          How many of us refuse gifts, packages or presents when someone presents them to us? It doesn't matter if the package is presented to us personally, anonymously, delivered by mail or brought by someone else other than the sender. If we accept the gift sent, it is ours to have. When we refuse the package, it is either returned back to the sender or we have the option of giving it away without opening or just let it remain untouched.

           Whenever we go to our mail receptacles, we are looking to receive something because that's the purpose of the postal system. They provide places for our mail or packages to be housed until we pick them up. It's up to us to open them. There are even times when we receive "junk mail", many of us immediately toss it into the trash without opening it. God is not in the business of taking from us but trying to get something to us. Many people pull back or refuse to receive what He has sent because they feel He is trying to extract from us. A gift is given merely because the giver felt you were deserving of it. One does not have to work for it, but it is freely given without expecting anything in return.
           God doesn't need what we have because He has provided what we have. The only thing He is asking of us is to give freely, serve him, love Him, obey Him and praise and worship Him. This is our servitude to Him if we love Him as we say we do. He has offered so many benefits and blessings for those who would receive them but so many people refuse the package. Don't let us be like the story where the man was being escorted in heaven by the angel. As they walked by several rooms before the angel proceeded to take him to his room, he noticed a room filled with unopened packages with people names on them. He asked the angel why were there so many unopened/returned packages in this particular room. The angel's reply was that they were delivered by the angel to those who had requested them in prayer, but because of their unbelief, they failed to receive them.
         The most priceless gift that our Father gave us was the gift of His son. The most priceless gift His son, Jesus Christ, gave us was His life. The gift that Jesus offered to us was eternal life and the gift of the Holy Spirit. What awesome gifts to have! Yet, many people refuse them and fail to accept them not knowing the value of them all.
         I want everything (spiritually, financially and naturally) God has for me. I don't want my "stuff" returned because of lack of faith or my failure to trust God for what I've asked of Him. When we release what is in our hands, God is already standing ready to release the gifts that's in His. Believe and Receive what He has for you- It has your name on it! What God has for you, it is for you!

Monday, July 8, 2013


(Matt. 13:10) "And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?"
(Prov. 3:5-6) Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

WHY - a word used to generate an answer to a question asked to define the purpose or reason for doing something.
TRUST - Dependence upon something or someone; something committed or entrusted to be cared for.
          As human beings, we constantly use this term in order for us to bring closure or understanding to questions we have. There are times when we don't understand things that happen in our lives, our family, society, church, etc., so we ask, "Why"? As we endeavor to understand and seek answers, we find after the answer is given that it will sometimes bring ease and relief. To others it may bring resentment, bitterness and discontent.
          There have been times in my own personal encounters that I have asked, "Why? " It amazes me how often God returned the answer back to me and replied, "Why not?" For example, when my dad and my sister was taken from us, there was a question of Why? Why them? Why now? Why God? When we ask the question "Why?" we may not always be prepared to accept the answer God or others respond to us. As a child growing up when our parents told us to do certain things we would reply, "Why"? Most of our parents simply replied, "Because I said so!" Even though they didn't explain, it was clear to us that our only response was to obey.
           God's only desire for us as His children is for us to obey and trust Him even when we don't understand, "Why"? It is our nature to question, yet we must understand that if God allowed it, He already knows what was best. Even when there are situations where we may feel we shouldn't be, or encounters we feel are not ours, we must trust and obey God. If He has brought us to it, He knows how to take us through it. I have a saying I used to answer questions in my life and it is, "When you don't understand, PRAY-When you understand, PRAY". By doing this, it eliminates any doubts, fears, WHYs, and personal inputs one may have in order to trust God.
          Let us be willing to allow God to answer our "WHYs" in His own way so we can be ready to respond, WHY NOT, God! Let's turn our Why-ings (whinings)  into Trusting Him! 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


(I Cor. 10:13) "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

           Whenever we go shopping at grocery stores, a lot of us are lured to certain items due to their smells or their appeal to the human eye. Commercials are also contributing factors when we choose to select or try a new product advertised. A few days ago, we were shopping for healthy foods (fruits and veggies) and for some reason, I was drawn to the pastry/dessert aisle. They had tempting, delicious decorated pies, cakes, pastries, cookies, cheesecakes and my biggest tempter: BROWNIES! I was tempted by what my eyes saw and what my taste buds craved at the moment! Then, I thought to myself, "Why are you looking at these loaded calories that you don't need knowing you have changed your eating habits to include more fruit and veggies? I quickly turned away and pushed my cart to the checkout. Just that quick, I was tempted. I made the decision to say "No" and get away from what was tempting me. After considering the cost I would have paid for something that wouldn't have been a healthy choice for me, I soon forgot about the brownies. Kudos Alesia!

           Temptation always begin with a thought! The quickest way to allure is to turn your attention to something else. Don't fight the thought, just change the channel of your mind and thinking and put your interest elsewhere. If you allow your mind to dwell on it, it will overtake you. Ignoring a temptation is far more effective than fighting it. Once your mind is on something else, the temptation loses its power. So when temptation calls you on the phone, don't argue with it, just hang up. Do you remember Joseph when he was in Potipher's house serving him with all his might? Do you remember Potipher's wife trying to seduce and tempt him to sleep with her? Joseph did what was necessary to avoid the temptation - He ran from his tempter and the temptation! Being tempted is common or natural. Yielding to the temptation is when it becomes sin. Avoid temptation and you will rid yourself out of a lot of trouble and consequences. Run - Run- Run!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


(I Cor. 12:1,4,6, 1, 31a) - "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant: Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit: And there are diversities of administrations, but the same Lord: But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will: But covet earnestly the best gifts."

Test: a critical examination, observation or examination for measuring the skill, knowledge, intelligence, capacities or aptitudes of an individual.
Gift: A notable capacity, talent or endowment-a special ability for doing something. Gift often implies special favor by God or nature.

           God has gifted each of us with various gifts, talents and abilities to be used for our purpose as well as for His purpose. Dr. Samuel Chand quoted this in a leadership conference we once attended  that really caught my attention. He said, "Proper People Placement Prevents Problems." In a nutshell, if you put people in the proper places where their calling and gifts are the strongest, they would benefit more in that position. If they are serving in capacities or positions where they don't have a clue what they are doing, there will definitely be problems.
          This can be applied in any organization, business, school, church, etc. In order to be placed properly it is necessary for some type of test be administered to determine your strengths and weaknesses. It is senseless for me to get on the gymnastic team when I know my gift is in another area. I would be wasting my time and my trainer's time. If you give me a microphone and a keyboard, I will operate at my fullest potential because this is my gift and my strongest calling. 
           I administered the following test that I've posted the link to below to myself. I am challenging those of you who are concerned or wondering where you should be or what should you be doing with the gifts in the body of Christ to take this same test. My results were instant and were accurate according to the questions I submitted. No one knows you better than YOU! Test yourself and see what your results says about you. Tests are good so we can evaluate, update, regulate and mandate where we need to be, what we need to be doing and just Do it! This is the link for the Spiritual Gifts test for Adults and Youth. Click Tests at the top of the website page to advance to the test. Go to

Monday, July 1, 2013



(Luke 16:22-28)"....the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. hen he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house: or I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
(Revelation 20:15) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE."

          Home owners, business owners and property owners are well acquainted with the importance of having fire insurance. They realize the importance of covering their property in the event of an unexpected fire mishap.
Here are some reasons why fire insurance is essential:
1. A fire insurance policy covers your building's structure, or fixing and fittings, against hazard.
2. It provides you with the financial resources to replace what you have lost.
3. Fire insurance provides the security for home, stock, furniture, business buildings, etc,.
4. It provides the cost of replacement of properties and assets due to the fire accident.

These are the things fire insurance companies make available to their policyholders. It's always good to have it even if you never need it than to need it and not have it. These things are about physical property being insured in case of loss by fire. What about protection from Hell and the lake of fire? At the end of this age, Satan and his followers (who chose not to accept Christ and refused to be covered by his "fire insurance" (Redemption through his blood) will be cast into the Lake of fire to burn eternally.
          Jesus was and is as our insurance agent offering us the best possible fire insurance policy (Coverage from Hell's fire) when he was here on earth. Some back then thought that they didn't need the coverage and there are those today who are choosing not to be covered by his fire insurance protection. It's only through Jesus that we can escape Hell's fire. (John 10:10 - The thief cometh not but to kill, steal and destroy. I come that you may have life and that more abundantly). When we commit to paying our monthly, quarterly or annually premiums for our insurance, we have a sense of security. In case an emergency or unpredictable event occurs, we are covered.
          Don't wait until you've lost everything and then choose to get it. It's too late! The rich man in the scripture above waited too late and wanted to warn his brothers. Just as it is today, people hear about Jesus is soon to come and to get their life right before it's too late. The message of Christ's redemptive power of salvation is heard at church, on the television or the radio. As it is with insurance companies advertising for potential customers to get covered, so is Jesus. They are offering coverage and protection in advance and so did Christ and is still offering it. Don't leave earth without this Fire Insurance and end up like the rich man in the scripture above. GOT FIRE INSURANCE?