Thursday, July 11, 2013

(I Peter 3:12a) "For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers."
(I Peter 5:7) "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
(Psa. 138:8a) "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me."

           In the business and corporate and church world, it is vital for meetings to be held periodically and consistently among the administrators, staff and employees. Meetings of this sort are needed to help to strategize and to communicate in order to gain input, suggestions and even complaints on how to better the company/business in order to be progressive and successful. Communication among each other will help provide means of solving problems at hand. After all the information is evaluated, the next step is to apply them.
         In our spiritual life, we have been given a way to communicate with our boss/head of our life which is or should be God. He is concerned about what is going on with us and wants to be a vital part of solutions we encounter. If we fail to communicate with Him, His help to us is limited and our problems are not solved. If we want help we have to let Him in our "business"! If something is troubling us, we should take it to Him in prayer. He will take the time to listen to us and will answer us. It's up to us to stop and realize that our answers are not in what we can do, but what He can do. We often look to others hoping they can solve our problems. We look to other sources thinking our answers are there.
         When we have finally exhausted ourselves through all these means, we will realize that the problem still exist. We fail to bring it to the one who can only solve it-- God and Him alone! Many resort to acquiring and paying counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, palm-readers, therapists, etc., thinking they will solve their issues. You may receive some valued advise or remedies but God solves the problems. We must A.S.K. (Ask/Seek/Knock) according to Matt. 7:7 if we want to receive His help. There is no monetary fee involved with asking and praying to Him. However, you must have faith to believe He is able to do whatever you ask of Him. (Heb. 11:6b) -"For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
           It is so important that we talk and communicate to and with Him. Prayer in faith to God is the key to unlocking the answers to our situations. Prayer gives us an access line to Him. If we fail to pray and communicate with Him, our answers will not be forwarded to us. Just as many of us communicate daily and consistently with others on our cells, email or Facebook, God's desire for us is to talk with and to Him. Yes, He definitely answers Knee-mail! Just because you don't see Him doesn't mean He isn't there. He is everywhere and nearer than you can imagine. How can someone know what we need or what's bothering us unless we talk to them? God wants us to express to Him our problems and concerns so He can help us.
           We don't have to wait for a monthly or quarterly meeting with our Boss (God). We can talk to Him anytime, anyplace and anywhere. There are no calling fees; unlimited calling; No expiration dates and the lines are always open to His children. Let us make it a priority to communicate with Him daily before we meet and greet anyone else. If we start the day talking with Him, our day will progress much better and our concerns will be His and not ours. Have you had your meeting with Him today?

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