Thursday, October 17, 2013

(Special Salute to Survivors of Breast Cancer)
(Rom. 8:18,28) "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.

Suffering: The state or experience of one that suffers; to put up with; to endure death, pain or distress.
Endure: To undergo without giving in: To remain firm under suffering.

           As believers, are we exempted from suffering? When trauma and trials face us, do we feel like we've been dealt an unfair hand? Suffering comes--whether or not we earn it or whether or not we feel we shouldn't have to deal with it. Suffering is sometimes hard to understand. When we are experiencing it, we may ask, "What did I do to merit this suffering or Why am I going through this at this point in my life?" If Jesus had to endure suffering, does that mean we won't have to? Of course not! He was our example to show us that whatever he overcame, we could also.
           I'm reminded of these words from Andre' Crouch's song, "Through It All". He wrote, "If I never had a problem, how would I know that God could solve them. I'd never know what faith in His Word could do". Whatever we have to go through, God has already provided a safety net for us to overcome and win victory over it. Mind you, troubles and sufferings don't last always. When the rain falls from the sky or when the storms appear around us, there is nothing we can do but wait until they pass or cease. We have no control over the weather. It's all in God's hand. This is what we must remember when we are faced with our troubles or sufferings. They too shall pass.
           As long as we keep our focus on the situation, it will be hard for us to see God in them or working in them for us. We have to take our eyes off them and keep our focus on what He has promised He will do for us when we put our faith in Him and His Word. He never promised us we would never have to suffer or have trouble. He told us His yoke would be easy and His burden would be light and He'd never leave us nor forsake us.
           Sufferings can be hurtful and they can change the course of our lives. Yet, we must understand that we were made to withstand anything we face with God on our side. Be it sickness, cancer, life threatening trauma, financial problems, relationship or family issues, parenting issues, job issues, or whatever, God is there to help us through them all. If you never had to suffer or go through as a believer or non-believer, keep living! Suffering will make you strong and allows your faith in God to increase as well. Suffering doesn't feel good but many times it is working out for our good.
          In my closing, I want to give a huge shout-out to the many breast cancer survivors who are my friends and even to those who I don't know personally. The mere fact that you are survivors speak volumes. It says to me and people all over the world that you didn't allow your suffering to win over you but you endured what you had to endure to be who you are and where you are today. We are so proud of your fight and I pray that God's grace and His healing power will sustain you along the way. You have fought a good fight and you are overcomers!

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