Wednesday, October 9, 2013

(Esther 4:16) "Go and gather together all the Jews of Susa and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. My maids  and I will do the same. And then, though it is against the law, I will go in to see the king. If I must die, I must die." 
Risk-Taker: Someone facing the possibility of loss
History-Maker: Someone who is responsible  for a significant cause or event to occur.
When I attended school, we were taught History. This class entailed us learning about our American history, its beginning, its struggles, wars and those who were the History-makers. Before history was made, there had to be risks taken first. Anytime you want to achieve, conquer or get to another level where you've never been before, there are risks involved. It's not an easy-street altogether. There's are times when one has to sacrifice to get what they want. Some even have to consider risking their life if it came to that decision to make. Thomas Jefferson said, “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” That's taking a risk!
We take risks everyday. Taking risks involve having faith in something or someone. Many times one is not guaranteed the outcome. Security is what we all want in our lives even if there are no guarantees attached. Only when we place our trust and security in God can we see His manifestation take place and history is made and a story is there to tell.
Esther, was a Jewish young woman who was selected along with other women to become the next Queen if chosen by King Xerxes of Persia. Eventually, Esther pleased the King and she became the new queen despite the fact she was a Jew. She kept her identity hidden from the king until the appropriate time. The king had been persuaded by one of his leading servants to kill all the Jews in this province. In order that her people would be spared from death, Queen Esther risked going before the king without him requesting her presence. This was an automatic death sentence. Just because she was the queen didn't guarantee her that the king would even see her. (Read the book of Esther). Because of Queen Esther's courageous act, a whole nation was saved. She was a Risk-taker and a History-maker. As in Esther's case, her possessions, reputation, position and life was at risk. She was willing to take the risk and trust the God of her forefathers and yes He did deliver His people. This Risk-taker Esther truly became a History-maker!  Are we willing to be Risk-Takers and History-makers?

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