Wednesday, October 16, 2013


(Phil. 3:13b,14 NLT) “No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. I press on to reach the end of the race….”
End: The cessation  of a course of action, pursuit or activity.

Every start has an end. When we start something, our goal is to complete it until the end. The end means that it is finished, done, completed and concluded. In the beginning (start point), there will be hurdles to jump, blockages, detours, interruptions or delays as we near the end. During our journey to our ENDINGS , it is not the time to turn around and go back but keep moving forward until we reach the finish line – the End. When one reads a book, there is an introduction, preface and chapters in between and then The End. The End lets us know the conclusion of the book or story written. Our life is like a story or book. No matter how hard it gets, what gets in our path after we start, the success and accomplishment  is when we END IT! The reward and feelings of accomplishment is when we END what we started! FINISH UNTIL THE END!

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