Tuesday, April 30, 2013

(Eccl. 9:11a) "...that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong."
(Matt. 24:13) "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved."
(Phil. 3:13b,14)"But this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus".
           For the past few weeks, our eyes were focused on the horrific occurrence in the Boston area with the marathon race. Our prayers and thoughts continue to go out to the families and loved ones affected by these two alleged bombers. Many people from all walks of life came and entered this annual race. Little did they know that this tragedy would occur. Despite all that happened, many of the racers have vowed that they were not going to let this event hinder them from staying in the race or any other race planned. That's the spirit and right attitude! As in our christian race, we will also encounter obstacles, misfortunes and losses along our path. Do we quit when they appear? I say not. We continue the race set before us until we reach our destiny.
          Many may start off running the race with us, but only those who endure to the end will obtain the prize and what God has promised us. We cannot allow the cares of the world, our physical or personal issues, what others think or do, cause us to give up and miss getting to the finish line. In this christian race, there may be times when we may feel like we are running alone but God will always be there. Others may drop out, darkness may come, but stay in the race. You may not have abilities to run fast, jog, power-walk or sprint, but do what you can to remain in the race until the finish line. At the end, when you have done all to endure, you will receive your reward. Step by step, mile after mile-Stay in the race!

Monday, April 29, 2013

(Isa. 55:6) "Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near."
(Hosea 10:12b)  "For it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain
righteousness upon you."
(Prov. 8:17b)"Those that seek me early shall find me."
(Matt. 6:33) "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
Seek: "to go to"; "to look for" or "to search for".
          There are so many people today who are seeking for various things: Riches, fortune, fame, happiness, fulfillment, a better way of life, contentment, joy, peace, good health, better jobs, better housing, better transportation, and so on. Self-inventory check: How many of us are truly seeking the Lord and the things of God? We can gain and find all of these things listed above but will they really bring us to a place of satisfaction without God?
           With Him, you have everything! Without Him, you have nothing. God wants us to have everything we need but He wants us to seek Him first. All the things we possess here on this earth will eventually fade away. The things of God are eternal. Let's not let Him be our last resort when we are desperate or have found out that we couldn't succeed without him after all else fails. Seek Him first and seek Him early and you will find Him. The one person who people pushes away is the one person they need the most - God! You will find what you need in your prayer time, your Word-study time, your quiet time with Him and your daily devotion and commitment to Him.
           Ask of Him and seek after His righteousness and watch your life become more meaningful and purpose-driven! You need something? Seek God!

Friday, April 26, 2013

II Kings 6:17 – “And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see, And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of the fire round about Elijah.”(Read the rest of the chapter to find out what happened)
II Chron. 20:12 – “….For we have no might against this great company that cometh against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.”
Heb. 12:2 – “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith”.
No matter what is going on in our world or around us today, we must keep our eyes and our focus on the Lord. It doesn’t matter what we see happening (Crime increase, deaths, economic situation, gas and housing dilemma, and so much more), let us keep our eyes fixed on God. It is the enemy’s job to make it appear there is no hope or help for us. He was, he is and he will always be a Liar! God wants us to keep our eyes on Him from whence cometh our help. God is our source.
We must keep our eyes on the promises of God given to us through His word and not on how we feel or what we see going on in our lives. There comes a time in all of our lives that we run out of solutions to our problems and don’t know what to do. When we have tried and failed, this is when we must “LOOK” to Him for help. We must look to Him in our times of trouble, turmoil, temptations, trials and tensed-moments. Placing our faith and trust in Him allows our spiritual eyes to visualize what we have prayed or envisioned before it comes to pass. When we exercise our faith, God allows us to see the results manifested when we believe. Let us not rely on our own eyes to see what needs to be done, but look to Him who will bring it all to pass! Ask God to let you see through His eyes and you will see that there is nothing too hard for Him to do when you “Look” to Him! 

Thursday, April 25, 2013


(Psa. 27:5) "For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock."
(Psa. 32: 7a)  "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble".
          In times of unforeseen and knowing dangers, we as humans, tend to run for cover or look for a place of safety to hide when and if we can. It's a good feeling to have knowing you have a safe haven to go where you are protected from someone or something. In nature, some mother hens use their wings to shield and protect their young while they are nesting to keep them safe from being a prey. I remember when my children were small and if they were afraid, they would grab my dress tail and hide behind it and behind me. They felt secure believing that mom would protect them.
           Isn't it great to know our God hides us in our times of trouble and even when we are not in trouble? He is our hiding place. He told Jehoshaphat that he didn't need to fight in the battle but to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. In other words, "I will fight for you and protect you".
           Let us not allow the enemy to threaten us with his scare tactics and cause us to run. We have been given the power to conquer. The Word of God tells us to "resist" the devil and he, not you, will flee from you. God is our shield, our fortress, our strong tower where we can run and be safe. When the enemy comes in like a flood (Isa. 59:19b), the spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard (support/base) against him. It's so good to feel safe knowing we have a hiding place to escape in times of trouble.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

(I Sam. 16:7) "But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart."
(I Cor. 1:27) "But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty."
           Samuel was sent by God to anoint the next king of Israel out of the house of Jesse. As Jesse's sons appeared before Samuel, he thought because of their size, muscular build or height that one of these would be the chosen one. After all seven sons passed by Samuel, God did not give the order to anoint none of these. There was one more son who was not present and Jesse sent for David (who by the way was tending to the sheep). My mother used to tell me if you want someone for the job, choose someone who is already busy." I found this to be so true!
           One may have felt it should have been one of the three skilled men of war of the seven sons and not this little boy to become king. God always know the heart of man. Who we may feel is not the right one for the job, God chooses them for the job. Sometimes when we think we have what it takes to do the job, doesn't mean it's God's qualifications. God is not concerned about our ability, our impressive resume' or what status we have in life. He is interested in whether we are available for the job; will we obey Him and do His will and not ours. If God chooses an unlearned person or one who may be a babe, they will become exceptional. God's choice is the best choice. His qualifications are the ones most acceptable to do His work in us and through us. God places His super on our natural He will get the glory and praise and not us.
           God can use whomever He sees fit to use. Man may have counted us out or concluded we were not fit for the job. They may have labeled us as "no good" or said "you'll never be qualified for this or that position"! God looks on the inward part of a person's heart and not on their outward appearance. We often judge books by it's cover or it's title. Once we've opened the book up and read the contents inside, it is then we know the heart of the book. We are guilty many times of doing the same for people. God, forgive us! God can take little and make much. God can take a child and make them a ruler. He can take trash and make it treasures. When man rejects, God accepts. David was anointed King and became a man after God's own heart because God saw his heart even as a child. Let's not judge ourselves on what we may appear to be or not be, but be available whenever God gets ready to use any of us for His purpose and plan.

Monday, April 22, 2013

(Prov. 3:9) "Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the first-fruits of all thine increase."
(Mal. 3:10b) "And prove me now, herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
(Matt. 6:33) "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

          In the world today, there exists a "ME FIRST" mentality among many. You can call it being selfish or trying to make sure "YOU" are the priority. In studying and reading about many kings in the Old Testament, one particular King offered his best to God to the building of a house for God (II Chron. Chapters 1-6). It was King Solomon. He did not spare any expense, precious stones, building materials, or anything when it came to placing the BEST in God's house. Even when God asked him what did he desire, he asked for wisdom and knowledge. Because Solomon didn't ask for materialistic possessions, God granted all these things unto him because he offered his best to Him.      
          The rich people in this video posted had all they needed in life and only came and gave what they had left over after they took care of themselves first. Many came and dropped their offerings in the temple receptacles to be seen by all. This widow women gave from her heart and from all she possessed hoping noone saw what she gave because of shame. However, Jesus saw her and didn't judge her giving but how she gave-from her heart.

          Understand this principle - "When you put God FIRST, He won't put you LAST!"
"When you give him your BEST, He will take care of the REST." Do you have some situations you need handled? Obey the principles God has set forth in His Word - Seek Him first and bring Him your firsts and watch those things be added unto you. I'm a witness that these principles applied work according to your faith. Let us not be caught up in the moment of the "ME FIRST" mentality and God Last. Let us be willing to offer unto God our first and our best and He will take care of the rest. When we do this, He will as He promised in (Matt. 6:33) add all we need. God is ready to release what's in His hands if we let go of what's in ours to offer unto Him our best and our first. God gave His best (John 3:16) gift to us - His only son Jesus. Jesus gave his best to us - His life for us. What do we have in our possession that is greater than these? Your best may not be riches, money, materialistic things. Your time, witnessing, helping others, providing assistance in specific areas and just giving of yourself to better someone else are ways to be of service to God. Are we offering our best to God? If not, I pray we will.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Relaxation Escape Sleep Tranquility
(Gen. 1:2,3) “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.”
(Matt. 11:28) “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
(Heb. 4:9, 11a) “There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest.”
Rest: Freedom from activity or labor. Repose.
Who does not benefit from taking a break from activities or laboring? Our bodies were not designed to be like the Energizer Rabbit. Even God took the time to rest after creating the universe and everything within it. Even God recognized the importance and benefits of rest. He made our bodies so it will shut down when we stop to rest as an anesthesiologist does to patients before surgery. It’s amazing how when we are sleep, we are not conscious of what is going on because He has shut everything down and causes us miraculously to get up again. What a God!
As I age, I realize that my body cannot function full-speed as it did when I was younger. Sleep and rest is necessary. God meant for us to “take a break”! If you notice in the second chapter of Genesis, God didn’t proceed to make man and woman until He had rested. Rest allows us to refresh ourselves, re-energize, relax, and regroup so we can be effective at whatever we do. A body at rest will allow our organs to recuperate and the mind is given an opportunity to remember and think clearly. Medicinal methods used to make us rest are temporary and may cause side effects. Just plain rest is much better without being medicated.
          Don’t feel guilty when you take a break and do NOTHING! Your body, mind and spirit need it! You are not going to be punished by God for resting! He requires that you do. Believe me, the world will continue to rotate if you rest or don’t rest. Take some “Me” time! You will feel better, perform better and be more useful to those you’re surrounded by when you rest. You are useless when you are tired, burned-out, and ineffective due to lack of rest. We shouldn’t take a vacation to work, but should work to take a vacation! Enjoy life by enjoying resting!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

(Exodus 15:26b) "For I am the Lord that healeth thee."
(Luke 11:18 )  “But he said Yea rather blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.”
(James 1:21) “But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.”
          When we are sick, we usually find a doctor or go to a drug store to get medical help and advise on how to make us better. Once the doctor or pharmacist has heard our symptoms, they prescribe medicine for us to ease the pain or the problem. It's totally up to the individual to follow the instructions given if they want to be better. We can walk around with the prescription in our possession and neglect to get it filled. Once we decide to get it filled and have the medicine to take and don't take it, what good will it do us?  
          Medicine is no good if you don’t use it properly to make us better. We've wasted our time, money and energy for nothing. So it is with the Word of God. Use it properly, apply it to any situation in your life, and watch things began to change, as you are a doer and not just a hearer of His Word.We all have obtained so much spiritual knowledge through books, seminars, preached sermons, Christian literature of all kind, audio tapes and the Internet. Unless you are in a place in the world that is remote or unable to receive some type of communication via technology, the Word of God is available to all. Special thanks to so many Christian networks for enabling the gospel to be reached by mass media nationally and internationally. With all this availability of the Word, it is useless if we don’t keep it and do what we’ve heard.
          Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth will be in vain if we fail to carry out (Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore and teach all nations……”) what he left us to fulfill. Week after week, many of us enter the house of worship, get our “booster shot” from the pulpit, re-enter our daily routine the next week and hardly do what was given to us on Sundays. We return for the next service and hold our arm out (symbolically) and get another booster shot to take us through another week. Believers, we must not just be “hearers” only of what we receive but do what we receive through God’s Word.
          The messages, lessons, revelations, inspirations and insights we receive must be applied and not just heard or we will be deceiving ourselves. Someone out there in the world need what you’ve received to be delivered! Let us not take the Word of God lightly and just push it aside to use just for our convenience but let us practice it and pass it on. Medicine is no good if you don’t use it properly to make you better. So it is with the Word of God. Use it! It Works for whatever ails us!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


(A Judean Wilderness) 
(Click link - Joyce Meyers)
Deuteronomy 8:3-4 (NIV) "He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD. Your clothes did not wear out and your feet did not swell during these forty years."
Wilderness: A place which is not controllable by humans. A bewildering or confusing situation or place to be in.
          We all may have experienced times in our lives where we had no control over our situation at hand. We had no way out, things appeared as if it was lifeless, dry, unproductive and at a dead state. These were the times when we wondered or asked, "God, where are you?" Often, God will place us in the "wilderness" to see will we trust and obey Him. He wants to know will be totally depend on Him enough to allow Him to provide and protect us.
         God tested Israel in the wilderness in order to know what was in their heart. It was not as if our all-knowing God couldn't see their hearts. They needed to see how faithless and proud their own hearts were. Are we like the Israelites as well? Because of our sinful nature we get the ridiculous idea that we are independent creatures. We think we can take care of ourselves. That is why we are taken through wilderness experiences.
          When the LORD sets his love upon us, the most gracious thing He can do for us is to show us truth and His power at work in us and through us. The truth is that we are indeed dependent creatures, dependent upon God and His Word for air, water, food, ability, and life itself. God alone is self-sustaining. How do you think Moses survived (two) forty-day fasts without water? The Word of God sustained him. How could the nation of Israel live for 40 years in a desert? The Word of God brought water from the rock, bread from the sky, and kept their clothing from wearing out.
         When we realize this fact of total dependency, we are humbled. Jesus knew it to be true. He said, "I can do nothing by myself." As a man, He knew He had become dependent on the Word of His Father, and so He spoke and acted what He heard and saw of the Father. The affect of the humbling truth that we are totally dependent on the Word of God should change the way we speak and act if we are to accomplish anything of lasting value.
          When going through any "Wilderness Experience", don't rely upon what you or others can provide, but what Jehovah-jireh (God, Our provider) can make available to us as we believe and trust Him. The Wilderness experience is not a permanent place but our way to pass through to our Canaan! Endure the wilderness test!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


(John 15:16, 19b) "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.....but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you".

          Did you know that you were picked for purpose? If you didn't, now you know it is true. Growing up as a child, I've worked in the peach and pecan orchards, picked tomatoes, peas, okra fields and even the cotton fields. My task was to choose the ripe, best and suitable yield for marketing. I remember vividly being told how not to select certain marred, unripe, unsuitable and blemished fruits/nuts. Those were marked as unfit to pick or use. Those which had these unfit qualities didn't make it to the best select pile but discarded.

          Aren't you glad God's selection process doesn't exclude us from being fit for His use? As Jesus went about his earthly ministry, he had the task of selecting those who would follow him to carry on the gospel while he remained with them and after he had returned back to heaven. They probably wouldn't have passed the selection process of the Pharisees and bible scholars during Jesus' time.
(1) None of them had prominent positions in the synagogue
(2) They were not of the Levitical priesthood
(3) They were common, laboring men (mostly fishers)
(4) None of them were wealthy
(5) None had academic degrees
(6) Most of them were raised in the poor section of the the country of Galilee.
       As he met them, his method of selection was simple - "Follow me" was all he said. They were chosen as they obeyed and followed. It doesn't matter what our past has been, what our rap sheet or resume' reveals about us, He looks at our heart. When others view us as "not good enough" or unwanted, God choose us because He sees the Best in us. Lift up your head and know that you were "Picked for Purpose". Fulfill your purpose even when the world hate you because you are chosen by the Master!

Friday, April 12, 2013

(Don't forget to mute Media Player at bottom right to listen)
(I Peter 5:7) "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you."
(II Peter 3:9) "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."


          This video clip was shared with our congregation by our pastor. Its message was so heartfelt and real in portraying those around us daily in our world that  I wanted to share it. "Sharing is Caring!" It is a dream told and visualized by the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth.  
          As you view the clip, you will see how we who are saved sometimes forget about those still drowning in their sins and need rescuing. Jesus still needs us to be Lifesavers for him on earth. He is depending on us to care enough to help rescue those who are still lost and drowning.
          Jesus needs our help. He needs our skills, our hands, feet, voice and our caring and compassionate heart to reach the least, the last and the lost. Will you care enough to become or continue being a Lifesaver for Christ? Who Cares? I do!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

                                                               GOT POWER?

II Tim. 1:7 – “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Luke 10:19 – “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Power – the ability to act or produce an effect; a source or means of supplying energy; great or overwhelming strength.
          Without power in our daily routines, we would somehow be handicapped and restricted in a lot of ways.  Power enables us to function properly; to make our task faster and more efficient; and helps us to operate items in our homes, jobs, and world much better. Loss of power brings discomfort, slows the process of our tasks down and limits our ability to get necessary and routine tasks done.
          We must never forget the source of our strength and power. God is our source of power who gives us the strength, the ability and the might to do exploits, the impossible and exceedingly above what we could ever imagine. No, it doesn’t generate from GA or AL Power, Gulf or whatever other power companies that exists today. Power comes from and belongs to God (Psa. 62:11b)! We must make sure that we keep the line open, clear and free of anything that will prevent the flow of His power from getting to us.
         Naturally speaking, what would cause you not to have power flowing in your home?
1. Not paying your power bill (disconnection)
2. Natural causes due to inclement weather
3. Repair or accidents to power lines will cause outages or shortages.
         Spiritually speaking, What would cause us to lose God’s power in our lives?
1. Sin or Disobedience to His Laws 
2. Prayerless life 
3. Wordless life (Lack of reading and applying God's Word on a consistent basis)
4. Unfulfilling His Will for our lives
5. Failure to assembled with other believers  
6. Not sharing the gospel and our testimony with others.
          Have you felt lately that your power has been low on your meter reading? Check to see what has caused the interruption or shortage. Get rid of anything or anyone who may be causing a shortage of power on your line.  Get re-energized! Get a charge-up! Get re-connected! How? Prayer produces Power! God’s word is an “energy-booster”. Sharing His goodness and your testimony will revitalize you. Fasting refuels the spirit man. Power-up from the Power source and let it flow to others!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

(JAMES 3:1-12)
        Today in our society, we may think that only guns, and other weapons or violent acts against another person will kill and destroy them. Words spoken from our mouth with our tongue has the same power to kill and destroy someone like a weapon. That same tongue which is able to destroy is capable also to give life.
        Words are powerful, whether spoken, written or illustrated. They can change the course of action in one's life or one's surrounding. They can help or they can hurt. They can curse or they can bless. They can encourage or they can discourage. They can give life or give death. Many people are incarcerated today because of their tongue. It may have been something they said and it was repeated or someone testified to what they had said and it resulted in their sentencing.
        There are occasions where it is necessary for us to speak or use our tongue. Even the constitution recognizes the power of our tongue and put it as one of our amendments (the 5th Amendment - Freedom of Speech).  Even the Miranda Law (rights) gives us the choice to speak or remain silent when  a person has been accused of an alledged crime. These things gives us an opportunity to control or tame our tongue.
         We've all been in situations perhaps when we've wanted to say something about a situation near us or involving us but it wasn't the right time to speak. This was the time when the choice to" tame the tongue" was probably necessary to use. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent. God has given us this ability to speak to be used properly and especially to give praises unto Him. Let us not use and abuse what He has given us to bless Him and to bless others with. It's all in controlling and taming the little red piece of meat between our teeth! If we fail to tame out tongue, it will be as the illustrated clip on how quickly one little match will spread like a wild fire and eventually destroy what was once under control and won't return to its original state. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

(John 15:1,2,4) "I am the true vine, and my father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away; and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me."
Connected: To become joined or linked together
        During my stroll in my community this morning, I observed the blooming trees and the beautiful sounds of the birds singing. I'm always looking for God to speak "Inspired Insights" to me wherever I go. As I walked, I noticed some of the trees were still seemingly in their dead state whereas others had begin their blooming metamorphosis. As I drew closer to observe the tree before me which seemed to be dead, I noticed at the tip of the branch that there were signs of budding. As I walked further, I noticed the same type tree had budded a little. Walking a bit farther, I noticed that the same tree had fully bloomed. So, I decided to brake pieces from each tree to show what happens when we stay connected to the vine (tree). This is why I've posted the above picture for visualization.
       We are now in the full season of Spring! In the spring, the days grow longer, animals return to feed and pollinate local plants and people begin to work in the garden again. Spring is a busy time for trees. Trees sprout leaves again, while other trees create new growth. All trees grow taller. Spring is the time when sap flows, flowers bloom and trees begin to grow and reproduce.
SEASON 1. Spring (newness, revitalization, new beginning, freshness)
SEASON 2. Summer (Full ripeness, maturity)
SEASON 3. Fall (Deterioration,  Discoloration and Dryness)
SEASON 4. Winter (Vegetation dies and goes into a lifeless state)
       No matter what season our lives may go through, it is important that we stay connected to the Father. Whenever situations arise which may try to cause us to give up, we must stay connected. Our strength, hope and trust is in our source --God. Seasons in the natural realm only lasts but 3 months at a time. When seasons happen in our lives, we must learn to endure them for they are only temporary. During these times of transitioning, we must "stay connected" to the vine. Yes, winds, storms, trials, and disappointments may come in which we may not have control over, but we must stay connected to the vine and the source of our supply.
      There are times when it is necessary to "prune" trees and plants to enable them to grow better. Pruning doesn't disconnect us from the main vine, it only snips away "unfruitful" parts that's visible to help the growth process. We must allow God during our seasons to "prune" us. so we may produce and reproduce properly.
       In order for us to spring forth, we must rely upon our source for growth and maturity thereby staying connected. Our source, which is God, will supply the nutrients, the power, the resources we will need to complete our spiritual life's cycle. However, we must "stay connected". God's part is not our part. He will do His part as we do our part. He will supply the life and the needs as we abide and stay connected to Him. As we do, we will blossom, grow and reproduce. STAY CONNECTED!

Monday, April 8, 2013

(Deut. 28:2)  “And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God”.
I Samuel 15:22b – “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice”.
(Acts 5:29) “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men”.
      Reflecting back when my kids were in their toddler ages, I began teaching them the word “No”! Don’t touch the stove, it’s Hot! It will burn you. Of course, curiosity (they say) killed the cat and the results they received were burns! It’s something about human nature that urges us to do what we want to do and not what’s been asked of us to do. Sadly to say, you don’t have to teach anyone to do wrong- it’s automatic. Trying to get them to do the right thing seems to be a tedious task.
      God gave his first created beings a beautiful garden to live in and to dominate. He only asked of them not to eat of the tree planted in the midst of garden. Here is where curiosity first kicked in! They chose to disobey God and obeyed the voice of the serpent - the devil. Their disobedience costed them dearly! Throughout the bible, you will find the people of God time after time failing to obey what God instructed them do. Simply obeying would result in better outcomes. However, the voice of reasoning, pleasing self, doing it their way caused a lot of downfalls, disappointments and curses upon their lives. In the posted video clip, Abraham obeyed God insomuch that he was willing to sacrifice his promised heir - Isaac as God had instructed him to do. This was a huge test of not only Abraham's faith and loyalty to God but his obedience. y his obedience, his son was spared.
        Failure to follow and carry out God’s plan and instructions can cause us to miss the mark many times. Growing up as child, I experienced, (as many of you have), doing my own thing or going against my parent's instructions. It resulted in me getting punished or a good old-fashioned spanking. If I had only obeyed, I could have avoided a lot of pain. God is like our parent. He has given us rules to follow (not to break us, but to make us). If we just obey them, we will reap the benefits of all He has promised to His children. If things are going haywire in your life today, check your obedience status. Ask for forgiveness and start obeying what God has asked of you to do. Then read Deut. Chapter 28 in its entirety and see the benefits you will gain WHEN you obey.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

 (I Thess. 1:5) "For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake."

 (Rom. 1:16) "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.

GOSPEL: Good news concerning the message of Christ, the kingdom of God, and salvation. Something accepted as infallible truth or as a guiding principle.

      After those present on the Day of Pentecost in the Upper Room received the promise of the Holy Ghost, they begin to go about sharing the good news of the gospel. Peter's message on the day of Pentecost was heard and afterwards approximately 3000 souls accepted salvation (Acts 2:41). Thereafter, others who believed the gospel were saved and added to the church as well. The power of the gospel is available to save, deliver and set free to anyone who believes. As the Apostles in the early church began to spread the gospel, the power of God was present to heal, deliver and set free. The lame man in the posted clip was looking for monetary gain but received something money couldn't buy... his healing and salvation through the gospel presented to him by Peter and John.
       Paul declares that the Gospel is really the power of God to those who believe. The gospel is God's plan of salvation in Christ. The three great facts of the Gospel are the death, burial, and the resurrection of Christ. But more than that, it is the good news of Christ ascending to the Father after completing His earthly ministry and sending the gift of the Holy Spirit to us. It is the good news of the power of God unto salvation. 
        All God's saving power is manifested through the gospel. Even though many may ignore it, scorn it and turn their backs on it, the gospel is God's only means of Salvation. The bible teaches that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. In order to enjoy the saving power of God, you must believe. If you choose not to believe, you cannot receive this grace.
        The gospel brings the hope of salvation to all, not just to the Jews, but to all. The one overwhelming need of perishing mankind was salvation or total deliverance. All deserved judgment and death, but the Gospel came with a message of hope. God is not willing that any should perish, but desires that all would be saved. The gospel brings the hope of peace on earth and goodwill towards men. The gospel brings hope for all of us. Through Christ we can have victory over the world, the flesh and the Devil. God's message of hope for the world was revealed in Christ Jesus. The hope of the Gospel is that God's own power is available to all who believe, to save every soul that embraces the gospel message, giving them victory over the flesh, the world and the devil.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Look For The Signs

(Mark 16:17-18) "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Sign:  A representation of an object that implies a connection between itself and its object. Something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality. An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information,
        On yesterday’s BLOG, we dealt with Finishing the Work Jesus Started. Jesus' time on earth consisted of many supernatural acts and miracles done while he was here according to the scriptures. It was evident that he was who he said he was because of the signs demonstrated shown by him to those he was among. A sign is visible so evidence of what is being done is made clear and known  to observers or onlookers.
        If we want others to see what we are trying to reveal, we must show some evidence as proof...sign(s)! In being a witness and disciple of Christ, we should possess some signs recognizing that we have been commissioned by him for the work of the ministry.
        If you are travelling and need to find out the exact location you are headed, you look for signs. The signs are placed so you can arrive at the designation to obtain what you are looking for. BY following the signs, you will reach your desired destination. Even the season of Spring has signs as we observe the trees budding, flowers blooming, pollen in the air, etc. 
       When we know what something is suppose to look like, sound like and act like, we look for those signs. When we see a dog, we look for the dog to be on its four legs, bark and display characteristics of a dog. Jesus commissioned his followers to go into the world and do what he did while he was on earth. The signs to look for is mentioned in the above scripture in Mark. If we are what we say we are and what Christ has given us the authority to do in his name, then these signs should be evident in our lives. People are looking for signs manifesting the glory of God. Jesus is no longer physically here anymore therefore we must represent what he did through signs following.
       If we say we are of Christ, then our lives and actions should show some type of sign that we are what we say we are. On the day of Pentecost, those who received the promise of the Holy Ghost received their sign (tongues) that they were filled. A tree is known by the fruit it bears. The sign or evidence of apples on the tree is indication that it is what it is.
        Signs signify, specify and identify. People are looking for signs to follow to get to Christ. Are your signs pointing them to Christ?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Great Commission
(Pause Media Player at page bottom on right to hear video)
(Mark 16:15-16) "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned."
(Acts 1:8) "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part the earth. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight."
        Jesus' assignment here on earth was finished after he appeared to his disciples after his resurrection and his Ascension back to heaven. He had walked, taught and prepared them for this set time. They had OJT (On Job Training). There were no Bible schools or Seminaries that prepared them for this assignment they had ahead of them. At the foot of Jesus and being with him during these 3 1/2 years were the training they received. Their final teacher was the Holy Ghost given to them at Pentecost. He (the Holy Ghost) would be their guide and teacher as they obeyed him.
        Jesus relied on them to finish what he had started. He knew he had a time frame to complete what God had sent him to do. He invested time pouring into their lives so they would be able to complete what he had started. It was important that they received the Holy Ghost to enable and equip them to go into the world to share what he had given unto them.
        That was then and this is now. People all over this world are still in search of the savior. Many are still walking about empty, lost, unsaved, unholy, miserable, unhappy, unfulfilled and hopeless. Jesus' desire for mankind was to eliminate all these things and give life, joy, peace, happiness, fulfillment and mostly salvation. How will the world know what he has to offer unless they hear from those he has equipped to carry the word to them?
        It is our assignment and commission to spread the good news to those who are lost. We must continue to finish what Christ started until he returns. We must not allow what we see in the world, the churches, our communities and abroad to make us feel like it is finished.....It is not! There are still people who need to receive what God has to offer to them. We are his carriers. We are His hands, mouth and feet. We must be passionate about going to the lost sheep and bringing them back to the Father. When we do what He has commissioned us to do, then will the assignment be completed and the body of Christ will speed up his return.
        Let us be about our Father's business (Soul-Winning)! Let us finish what he started!

Monday, April 1, 2013

        On the way to the house of worship yesterday (Resurrection Sunday), I observed the parking lots of other houses of worship filled with vehicles. This day many attend for various reasons. For whatever reason they may have given for going doesn't matter to me. My prayer is that something was said to change their hearts and a commitment was made to accept Jesus Christ into their lives. Isn't this the reason Jesus was born, died and rose? His coming to the world was to save the world from their sins. Jesus got up so we could get--------to get up from the state of death which sin had held us captive. He won victory over sin, death and hell so we could be free from them as well.
        Now that the beautiful outfits have been taken off, Easter baskets emptied and egg hunts ended, "WHAT NOW?" These Easter items won't appear again until the same time next year. However, Jesus won't be nailed again on the cross, placed in a tomb and be resurrected from the dead again. His death, burial and resurrection was done once and for all and not something that he just did because he "felt" like doing it. He did it so we could be redeemed back to his Father and have eternal life through his sacrifices made. His blood was not shed so we could just continue in sin. His purpose for coming was to show us a better way, a better life and to prepare for a better home for those of us who believe in him.
        Jesus told his followers that he would rise on the third day (and he did). He told them that he was going back to his Father in heaven and would leave them with a Comforter and a teacher (and he did). As Jesus readied his disciples before his Ascension, he told them what was to transpire to eliminate any questions of "WHAT NOW?" in their minds. He told them to wait for the promise and like he said as recorded in Act, chapter 2, the "WHAT NOW?" came! Whenever God instructs, we are to just obey and not be concerned about the "when","how", "who", "where", or "what" questions.
      When the Holy Ghost came, the "WHAT NOW?" was answered. Whenever we don't know the next move or step to take, this is the time to rely on what God has already spoken for us to do. The Word tells us that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. Whenever there is any doubt in what to do next and there is a question of  "WHAT NOW?", seek God for directions. There possibly are many who are skeptical about making a decision to accept Christ because of being unsure about what will happen next or "WHAT NOW?". Trust God and rely on His Word for directions as the Holy Spirit lead, teach and help you on your journey with accepting and serving Him.