Monday, April 22, 2013

(Prov. 3:9) "Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the first-fruits of all thine increase."
(Mal. 3:10b) "And prove me now, herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it."
(Matt. 6:33) "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

          In the world today, there exists a "ME FIRST" mentality among many. You can call it being selfish or trying to make sure "YOU" are the priority. In studying and reading about many kings in the Old Testament, one particular King offered his best to God to the building of a house for God (II Chron. Chapters 1-6). It was King Solomon. He did not spare any expense, precious stones, building materials, or anything when it came to placing the BEST in God's house. Even when God asked him what did he desire, he asked for wisdom and knowledge. Because Solomon didn't ask for materialistic possessions, God granted all these things unto him because he offered his best to Him.      
          The rich people in this video posted had all they needed in life and only came and gave what they had left over after they took care of themselves first. Many came and dropped their offerings in the temple receptacles to be seen by all. This widow women gave from her heart and from all she possessed hoping noone saw what she gave because of shame. However, Jesus saw her and didn't judge her giving but how she gave-from her heart.

          Understand this principle - "When you put God FIRST, He won't put you LAST!"
"When you give him your BEST, He will take care of the REST." Do you have some situations you need handled? Obey the principles God has set forth in His Word - Seek Him first and bring Him your firsts and watch those things be added unto you. I'm a witness that these principles applied work according to your faith. Let us not be caught up in the moment of the "ME FIRST" mentality and God Last. Let us be willing to offer unto God our first and our best and He will take care of the rest. When we do this, He will as He promised in (Matt. 6:33) add all we need. God is ready to release what's in His hands if we let go of what's in ours to offer unto Him our best and our first. God gave His best (John 3:16) gift to us - His only son Jesus. Jesus gave his best to us - His life for us. What do we have in our possession that is greater than these? Your best may not be riches, money, materialistic things. Your time, witnessing, helping others, providing assistance in specific areas and just giving of yourself to better someone else are ways to be of service to God. Are we offering our best to God? If not, I pray we will.

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