Thursday, April 11, 2013

                                                               GOT POWER?

II Tim. 1:7 – “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Luke 10:19 – “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."
Power – the ability to act or produce an effect; a source or means of supplying energy; great or overwhelming strength.
          Without power in our daily routines, we would somehow be handicapped and restricted in a lot of ways.  Power enables us to function properly; to make our task faster and more efficient; and helps us to operate items in our homes, jobs, and world much better. Loss of power brings discomfort, slows the process of our tasks down and limits our ability to get necessary and routine tasks done.
          We must never forget the source of our strength and power. God is our source of power who gives us the strength, the ability and the might to do exploits, the impossible and exceedingly above what we could ever imagine. No, it doesn’t generate from GA or AL Power, Gulf or whatever other power companies that exists today. Power comes from and belongs to God (Psa. 62:11b)! We must make sure that we keep the line open, clear and free of anything that will prevent the flow of His power from getting to us.
         Naturally speaking, what would cause you not to have power flowing in your home?
1. Not paying your power bill (disconnection)
2. Natural causes due to inclement weather
3. Repair or accidents to power lines will cause outages or shortages.
         Spiritually speaking, What would cause us to lose God’s power in our lives?
1. Sin or Disobedience to His Laws 
2. Prayerless life 
3. Wordless life (Lack of reading and applying God's Word on a consistent basis)
4. Unfulfilling His Will for our lives
5. Failure to assembled with other believers  
6. Not sharing the gospel and our testimony with others.
          Have you felt lately that your power has been low on your meter reading? Check to see what has caused the interruption or shortage. Get rid of anything or anyone who may be causing a shortage of power on your line.  Get re-energized! Get a charge-up! Get re-connected! How? Prayer produces Power! God’s word is an “energy-booster”. Sharing His goodness and your testimony will revitalize you. Fasting refuels the spirit man. Power-up from the Power source and let it flow to others!

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