(John 15:16, 19b) "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.....but I have
chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you".
Did you know that you were picked for purpose? If you didn't, now you know it is true. Growing up as a child, I've worked in the peach and pecan orchards, picked tomatoes, peas, okra fields and even the cotton fields. My task was to choose the ripe, best and suitable yield for marketing. I remember vividly being told how not to select certain marred, unripe, unsuitable and blemished fruits/nuts. Those were marked as unfit to pick or use. Those which had these unfit qualities didn't make it to the best select pile but discarded.
Aren't you glad God's
selection process doesn't exclude us from being fit for His use? As Jesus went about his earthly ministry, he had the task of selecting those who would follow him to carry on the gospel while he remained with them and after he had returned back to heaven. They probably wouldn't have passed the selection process of the Pharisees and bible scholars during Jesus' time.
(1) None of them had prominent positions in the synagogue
(2) They were not of the Levitical priesthood
(3) They were common, laboring men (mostly fishers)
(4) None of them were wealthy
(5) None had academic degrees
(6) Most of them were raised in the poor section of the the country of Galilee.
As he met them, his method of selection was simple - "Follow me" was all he said. They were chosen as they obeyed and followed. It doesn't
matter what our past has been, what our rap sheet or resume' reveals about us,
He looks at our heart. When others view us as "not good enough" or unwanted, God
choose us because He sees the Best in us. Lift up your head and know that you
were "Picked for Purpose". Fulfill your purpose even when the world hate you
because you are chosen by the Master!
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