Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Look For The Signs

(Mark 16:17-18) "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Sign:  A representation of an object that implies a connection between itself and its object. Something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality. An act or gesture used to convey an idea, a desire, information,
        On yesterday’s BLOG, we dealt with Finishing the Work Jesus Started. Jesus' time on earth consisted of many supernatural acts and miracles done while he was here according to the scriptures. It was evident that he was who he said he was because of the signs demonstrated shown by him to those he was among. A sign is visible so evidence of what is being done is made clear and known  to observers or onlookers.
        If we want others to see what we are trying to reveal, we must show some evidence as proof...sign(s)! In being a witness and disciple of Christ, we should possess some signs recognizing that we have been commissioned by him for the work of the ministry.
        If you are travelling and need to find out the exact location you are headed, you look for signs. The signs are placed so you can arrive at the designation to obtain what you are looking for. BY following the signs, you will reach your desired destination. Even the season of Spring has signs as we observe the trees budding, flowers blooming, pollen in the air, etc. 
       When we know what something is suppose to look like, sound like and act like, we look for those signs. When we see a dog, we look for the dog to be on its four legs, bark and display characteristics of a dog. Jesus commissioned his followers to go into the world and do what he did while he was on earth. The signs to look for is mentioned in the above scripture in Mark. If we are what we say we are and what Christ has given us the authority to do in his name, then these signs should be evident in our lives. People are looking for signs manifesting the glory of God. Jesus is no longer physically here anymore therefore we must represent what he did through signs following.
       If we say we are of Christ, then our lives and actions should show some type of sign that we are what we say we are. On the day of Pentecost, those who received the promise of the Holy Ghost received their sign (tongues) that they were filled. A tree is known by the fruit it bears. The sign or evidence of apples on the tree is indication that it is what it is.
        Signs signify, specify and identify. People are looking for signs to follow to get to Christ. Are your signs pointing them to Christ?

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