The Last Supper (Matthew 26:20-30; Mark 14:17-26; Luke 22:14-38; John 13:21-30)
In the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-45)
Jesus is Betrayed and Arrested (Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53)
The Religious Leaders Condemn Jesus (Matthew 27:1-2; Mark 15:1; Luke 22:66-71)
6 a.m.
Jesus Stands Trial Before Pilate (Matthew 27:11-14; Mark 15:2-5; Luke 23:1-5)
Jesus Sent to Herod (Luke 23:6-12)
7 a.m.
Jesus Returned to Pilate (Luke 23:11)
Jesus is Sentenced to Death (Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:23-24; John 19:16)
8 a.m.
Jesus is Led Away to Calvary (Matthew 27:32-34; Mark 15:21-24; Luke 23:26-31)
The Crucifixion
9 a.m. - "The Third Hour"
Jesus is Crucified on the Cross (Mark 15: 25)
The Soldiers Cast Lots for Jesus' Clothing (Mark 15:24)
10 a.m.
Jesus is Insulted and Mocked (Matthew 27:39-40, Mark 15:31, Luke 23:36-37)
11 a.m.
Jesus and the Criminal (Luke 23:40-43)
Jesus Speaks to Mary and John (John 19:26-27)
Noon - "The Sixth Hour"
Darkness Covers the Land (Mark 15:33)
1 p.m.
Jesus Cries Out to the Father (Matthew 27:46)
Jesus is Thirsty (John 19:28-29)
2 p.m.
It is Finished (John 19:30a)
3 p.m. - "The Ninth Hour"
Events Following Jesus' Death
The Earthquake (Matthew 27:51-52)
The Centurion - (Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:38; Luke 23:47)
The Soldiers Break the Thieves' Legs (John 19:31-33)
The Soldier Pierces Jesus Side (John 19:34)
Jesus is Laid in the Tomb (Matthew 27:57-61; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56;)
Jesus Rises from the Dead (Matthew 28:1-7; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-9)
Was It Really A Good Friday?
(Mark 33:39) At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”). When some of those standing near heard this, they said, “Listen, he’s calling Elijah.” Someone ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to take him down,” he said. With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last. The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died,he said,
“Surely this man was the Son of God!”
Good Friday is recognized as the day Jesus was led to Calvary and died. We could say this was his "Homegoing" Day! The pain, suffering and agony he encountered on this particular Friday was not good. Who likes pain, suffering and agony and not having any relief? Nails driven in his hands and feet, crown of thorns pressing into his scalp and forehead and the brutal pain from the whippings on his body was no comfort at all. This was not good! However, for us, this was a Good Friday!Because of his death, we got out of debt! The debt of sin which held us captive was paid in full. Jesus redeemed us back to God on this special Friday! Jesus paid a debt I owed and couldn't pay. The death of Christ, as terrible as it was, led to the Resurrection Sunday which brought new life to those who believe. Without Good Friday there would be no Easter!
During Good Friday, Christians focus on the passion of Jesus Christ, or his suffering and death on the cross. Jesus' final hours on the cross lasted about six hours. I'm so glad that Jesus took a situation which was not good to him physically and made it good for us on this particular Friday!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
(Performed by K & K Mime - Song by Vickie Winans)
(I Cor. 13: 4-8a - NIV)
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, It is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails!
As we journey through the fourth day leading up to Resurrection Sunday, we are reminded again about Jesus' love towards this world. It could have been quite easy for him to refuse to come to stand in the gap for us, but he chose to love. Love is a a choice and we all should be thankful that God chose to love us insomuch that He sent His only son to die for our sins.
When you really have genuine love, you will do practically anything to demonstrate the love you have for someone or something. Selfishness has no place or say so when there is real love. One will give their last of what they have that the recipient may benefit from their giving not thinking of themselves. Jesus did that for us. He stripped himself of his royalty, stepped down into time and redeemed us back to His father. He chose to suffer as a human being so he could feel and experience what we felt. He chose to endure the pain, agony, brutal beatings, was rejected and even mocked for us. That's Love! His love surpassed how he saw us or what condition we were in and looked beyond all of it to show us how much he cared. That's Love! He refused to give up in spite of and despite of what he had to go through - That's Love!
Many still don't want to accept his love he so freely gave at Calvary today, yet he still offers it to as many as will receive it. That's Love!
Tomorrow will be recognized globally as "Good Friday." This is the day marked in history that Jesus was placed upon the cross and died. To those who loved him and walked with him back then, it wasn't a "good" Friday but a "sad" Friday. Yet, for the world it was a "Good Friday" because Jesus' death and his blood shed meant our sins were forgiven and we had been redeemed back to God.
That's Love!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
I pray that you are being blessed by the posted Blogs on this website. Your feedback or comments are encouraged. I'm also appealing to those of you who would like to partner with us to pray about becoming a partner. Your partnership will enable us to reach the goals of our mission to the world. There are so many outreach ministry goals we desire to fulfill but are in need of financial assistance to accomplish them. Please pray and ask God to direct your decision in this request.
Thanks in advance for your consideration in partnering with My Praise Project Outreach. Please click tab on "How to Partner" for more information. Please continue to pray for us as we seek to please God and reach the masses for Christ.
(John 3:16,17) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
(Rom. 5:6-8) "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
World: People in general
Condemn: To declare wrong, criticize, to sentence judicially
Commend: Recommend, to commit to one's care
Love is a strong and powerful word loaded with vast emotions! Some use it casually at times not realizing the potentials it has on a person and what it can provide to a person. I Cor. 13:3-8 describes what love (charity) is and what is isn't so precisely. Love gives without asking for anything in return or with strings attached.
Many of us have read, heard and committed to our memory John 3:16 and it really haven't sunk it what it really means. We (the world) were doomed for destruction and had no way of being saved from this sentence of death. Because God had mercy upon us and loved us so much, he needed to redeem us back to him because of the sin our forefathers committed in the beginning. There was a need for a sacrifice and it had to be one who was spotless and worthy. No man was available so he sent Jesus (our ransom or redemption). The only requirement needed to obtain this love and redemption was to believe who Jesus was and accept what he had to offer.
Jesus' time on earth was not wasted on condemning the world or blaming those who were with sin. There is a popular phrase many use today which simply says, "Don't judge me!" This is exactly what Jesus didn't come to do but to love us so we wouldn't be judged! He came to forgive, set free, heal and deliver a lost and hurting world back to his Father. There are still many today in the world rejecting and refusing to accept his love and acknowledging his power to forgive and to save them from their sins.
Paul expresses in the above scripture (Rom. 5:6-8) that it would be rare that you find a man today who would be willing to give his life for another. Even if the person was a good person and worthy to give their life for, it would be a hard decision to make. God loved us so much that he sent such a man to die for us...His only Son! Remember Abraham and Isaac? This earthly father was willing to sacrifice his own son in obedience to God. When God saw his heart and his obedience to Him, He provided a ram (a sacrifice, a substitute) in Isaac's place. Jesus was like our "ram" and he was our "lamb"! There will never be a greater love given to this world than what God gave us! He gave His son; His Son gave his life so we could have life and that more abundantly!
Share this Great Love to the World!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
(Isa. 53:3-5) "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."
Whenever I see or read the events leading up to Christ's crucifixion, there is nothing happy or anything to me to be joyous about. Reading and viewing the way he was beaten, slapped, ridiculed, rejected, spat upon, and finally killed just breaks my heart. Realizing and knowing through the Word of God how he suffered as he did still seems fresh to me even though it happened thousands of years ago.
This is a time when we should reflect on the cost of the cross. A time to be thankful for God loving us so much that He sent someone in our place to redeem us back to Him. This should be a time to renew and rededicate our commitment to the one who gave his life for us all. This should be a time to share Jesus' love to others that don't know about it. This should be a time set aside to be thankful for the blood of Jesus that he shed for our sins. Though it is painful to comprehend, he did it "just for us."
Nothing in the monetary treasuries of this world could compensate for what Jesus did on Calvary. As they hung him high and stretched him wide, his silent message on the cross to the world was, "This is how much I love you" and died. Jesus took all our minuses (- sins/negatives)on the cross, and made them pluses (+ purity/positives) +FORGIVEN+
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
(Prov. 4:23-NIV) “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.”
Heart:(a) A hollow, muscular organ in the body
which acts as a pump to force and supply blood and oxygen throughout the body
to keep it alive. (b) The emotional,
intellectual or moral seat of life. Heart Attack: an acute episode of heart disease due to
insufficient blood supply to the heart muscle.
heart is one of the most important organs in our physical body. It is designed to pump and carry
blood and oxygen, nutrients, carbon dioxide and waste materials through our
arteries to other organs to keep our bodies functional and maintains life in
us. Our heart supplies the source for everything we do. Without it, we’d be
lifeless! Our heart is prone to constant attack.
Unless we guard it, do the proper things to keep it healthy and strong, it will
be affected, become damaged and will cause death eventually if not cared for.
Any matter which enters through our blood stream that is not good for our heart
will cause it to work improperly and will cause us to have heart issues.
There are factors in our human heart which will cause it to
dysfunction due to certain attacks to it. Listed below are just a few major
causes of Heart attacks. See video clip posted as well.
Some Causes of Heart
which normally flows to the heart becomes blocked or clots in arteries.
build-up in the arteries (caused from eating certain fatty and unhealthy foods).
artery spasms or inflammation within the vessels
like cocaine
stress or pain
to extreme cold
or Hormonal factors
of physical exercising – cardiovascular exercises
Our heart
can be described as the engine of our body similar to a vehicle’s engine.Without an engine, there is no activity or
movement to cause it to operate. It is lifeless, motionless and useless. The only thing left to do
with a vehicle without an engine is to throw discard or dump it. Some factors which can cause an engine to die or become
1.Improper care or maintenance
2.Ignoring warning signs when prompted to service
3.Deterioration by aging of mechanical parts or
putting wrong parts in engine 4.Excessive mileage and wear and tear beyond its
these factors are known to us, we can do several things to remedy the problem. We
can fix it, replace it or get rid of it. In reference to our physical heart, we cannot
live or exist without it. This is why it is so important that we guard it,
maintenance and shield it from harmful things that will damage it. It is our choice to keep our heart healthy so we may live longer. In comparison, our emotional
heart can be affected by things we allow to attack it and which cause us harm. Please return
back tomorrow as we deal with these things as we discuss “How to Guard Our Heart”!
Monday, March 18, 2013
A "Hard" Matter or a "Heart" Matter?
The Rich Young Ruler
(Matt. 6:21) "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Heart: The essential or most vital part of something.
When there is something near and dear to us, it is somewhat a "hard" thing to let it go or release it. One might say, it has become so close to our "heart" (its importance to us) that parting from it may become a "hard" thing to do. This week, we will be dealing with some matters that may be "hard" for us to deal with to determine where our "heart" is!
This young ruler really wanted to follow Jesus and receive what he had to offer. When Jesus told him what he must do to follow him, it became a "hard" matter and not a "heart" matter. He chose to follow where his "heart" was...his possessions.
What would our response be if this question was presented to us today? Would we be willing to give up or let go of certain possessions to follow Jesus because of the love we have for him in our "hearts"? Would we find it a "hard" decision to make because our "heart" hadn't reached that level of love and trust yet to follow him?
When it's a "heart" matter, it's not a "hard" matter!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Alesia's Inspired Insight: When you FAIL(First Attempt In Learning), REDO(Remove Every Defeated Obstacle) & ACHIEVE (Accomplish Challenges Hindering Important Endeavors Validating Excellence). (II Cor. 4:8-9) We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed."
Friday, March 15, 2013
Jesus Heals the Canaanite Woman's Daughter
(MATT. 15:21-28)
This week we have dealt with the topic of "Grace". If you've missed any of the blogs posted on this page, please scroll below to view them. Please pause the media player at bottom of the page in order to hear the video.
There may have been times in our lives where it seemed as if there was no hope or help for us. We may have tried to obtain the help we needed by doing it ourselves or asking others for help in desperation. After exhausting our strength, energy, resources and all we had to remedy our situation, it still remained. Some may have even given up. It is doing this time when we need to rely on God and His grace towards us to handle our situation.
Obtaining things from others without a price tag attached to it is rarely done today. we may feel that nothing is free without strings attached. This was not the case during Jesus' ministry. He healed, forgave and delivered so many because of his love, mercy and grace extended to them. He is still willing to do the same for anyone today. You don't have to pay for grace! It is something you cannot buy or transfer to others...It's given by God to whomever He desires to give it to,
As seen in the video clip, this Canaanite woman ran to Jesus because she needed healing for her possessed daughter. She took a risk by coming to Jesus because the Greeks had no dealings with the Jews. Jesus owed her nothing and she could have been denied of her request. Again, grace suspended the law when Divinity met Humanity. Jesus even told her in so many words that she didn't deserve to request healing for her daughter. She didn't let these words shake her faith in getting help for her child. Her faith moved Jesus and grace was extended to her. Her daughter was healed.
Aren't you glad that Jesus bypasses the law, who we are, what we've done, etc., to bring us grace (God's unmerited favor)? God's favor is there to heal, help, bless and to provide as we stay in His Will.
In conclusion , may the grace of God rests continually upon you is my prayer. Join us next week for Sharing A Word to the World.
(Mark 1:40)“And there came a leper to him, beseeching
him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst
make me clean. And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and
touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou
clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy
departed from him, and he was cleansed.”
(Rom. 9:15)“For he
saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have
compassion on whom I will have compassion. So then it is not of him that
willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that shewed mercy.”
Leper: A person who suffers from leprosy. They are
usually separated from being around others. Leprosy:Leprosy
is a chronic bacterial disease of the skin and nerves in the hands and feet
and, in some cases, the lining of the nose. Leprosy can cause the nerves in the
limbs of the body to dry up, deteriorate and sometimes decapitated.
Lepers, in biblical times, by law, were isolated and treated differently than other members of society in the
area they lived in. They were not allowed to live inside the city
with the people, because they had leprosy (Numbers
5:1-3). Leprosy was considered contagious, an "unclean disease"
and lepers generally lived in colonies with other lepers rather than their
families. Whenever they came near people, they would have to shout out “unclean”
so people would move away from them. Lepers
could not live among people that did not have the disease nor could they stand
among them for fear the disease would be rapidly spread. One could contract
leprosy by respiratory means, breathing the same air if infected, or by contact
such as touching a person with leprosy.
One day
as Jesus entered into the city, a leper approached him to ask for healing of
his leprosy. Here we see “Humanity in the presence of Divinity”. According to
the law, it was not appropriate for anyone to come near a leper. The bystanders
who were following Jesus perhaps pondered in their minds what would he do. Jesus
knew the law, yet he knew what he had been sent to earth to do. God’s grace was
sufficient for this leper at his moment of need. Jesus’ compassion for this man
suspended the law and offered grace to him. Jesus didn’t ignore the law but came
to fulfill the law. He touched the leper and immediately he was healed of his
condition. After the leper was healed, Jesus said in (Luke 5:15) "And
He charged him to tell no one, 'But go and show yourself to the priest, and
make an offering for your cleansing, as a testimony to them, just as Moses
you come to Jesus, his grace is sufficient for you. It doesn’t’ matter what
condition, disease, sickness, situation, drama, sins you’ve committed or what
your past consists of, he offers and extends His grace towards those who will
receive it. This leper didn’t have to do anything but ask for help and it was
granted to him. He didn’t have to pay for his healing but it was freely given to
him. Today, because of Jesus’ blood and sacrifice on the cross we can obtain
grace from God.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
(Modern day version)
Even though this is a modern day version of the WOMAN AT THE WELL, the meaning presented in this clip can be understood. In Jesus' time, the Greeks had no dealings with the Jews. They wouldn't drink out the same cups, bowls, or had anything affiliation with them. Similar to today's religious sects and ethnic groups, we have a line of separation between us.
Jesus had no problem helping and teaching all kinds of people. It was because of His loving kindness and compassion towards us that he so often extended his grace to us. Great is his grace towards us! Thank God for His Amazing Grace. He extended it to the woman at the well and it is still being extended to all those who willingly receive it.
(Luke 1:17) “For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth
came by Jesus Christ.”
(II Cor. 12:9) “And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for
thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
We’ve perhaps seen incidents
on television in the courtrooms where cases were tried. The alleged person
convicted of the crime is assumed to be guilty. Facts and witnesses were
presented to prove that the crime was committed. In the end, when the jury has
had time to deliberate and a decision was made, the person was found guilty. In such cases,
the judge will for some reason override the sentencing or lessen the time in favor of the criminal.
“Grace” is extended to the condemned person. It’s the right and given authority
of the judge to grant such pardon.
We all were guilty of sins
placed upon us because of Satan’s suggestion to Adam and Eve to
disobey God in the garden of Eden. Sin passed down to us making us guilty as well. Grace, on the
other hand, means that God having fully revealed Himself to us in His Son, all
His righteous and holy demands have been met in Christ death and resurrection,
so that grace is available for all. To
all who believe forgiveness of
sins and the gift of the Spirit are granted, so that there may be power to
conform them to the standard - which under grace is nothing short of Christ
Under law, God, so to speak, stands before us saying, "Give!
Render to Me your love and dutiful obedience." Under grace, He stands with full hand outstretched, saying, "Take!
Receive of My love and saving power. "Law says, "Do and live!" Grace says, "Live and do."
grace is given, it suspends the law which is present. As we observe the video
clips posted today, let us really look at each case separately and notice the grace
of God in each situation. The Pharisees and scribes followed Jesus
during his ministry trying to catch him and trip him up in what he was doing.
Jesus knew the law because he made the laws. Whenever someone came to be healed
or delivered, they wanted to bring up what the law said that shouldn’t be done.
Jesus had the power and authority to override and overrule any law of man. He
cared and had compassion for the need of the human being first and foremost.
His mission was to bring healing to mankind—spiritually, mentally, physically, and
emotionally. If it meant healing and delivering on the Sabbath day or any Jewish
custom day, he didn’t care. This always made the religious leaders angry and
upset with Jesus, but he came to do the Will of His father. It even made Jesus
angry in (Mark 3:5) when he saw how much they were so focused on the law rather
than the healing of this man with the withered hand on the Sabbath day which
was found in the “church house”- the synagogue.
Grace doesn’t look at what you’ve
done, how long you’ve done it, when you did it, or who you are. When Grace is received,
it is our responsibility to accept it as a gift and walk in newness of life
thereafter. (Rom. 6:1-2)"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
(Rom. 5:20-21)"Moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 3:23-24)For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
Where would we all be if it wasn't for God's Grace? Doomed for eternal damnation without hope until God's GRACE was extended to us through sending the ultimate sacrifice to redeem us - His son, Jesus Christ! We didn't deserve it, but He gave in spite of and despite of! His Grace is surely sufficient for me. The law could not do what Grace did. Jesus' blood he shed on Calvary paid for our sins. Have you ever heard someone on a talk show where someone won a trip and they announced all expenses paid for? Well, that is exactly what God's Grace and Jesus' sacrifices meant to us - All paid expenses! Thank God for His Amazing Grace!
I pray you will enjoy this video clip of this precious child singing Amazing Grace. When the children began to come to Jesus, the disciples got upset because they felt Jesus didn't want to be bothered by them. He rebuked them and told them not to hinder them from coming to him. Grace is extended to all, (young, old, rich, poor, sinners, saints, etc.) Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise (Matt. 21:16).
Tomorrow we will focus on two miracles which occurred because of Grace! Join us, will you?
Monday, March 11, 2013
(Eph. 2:7-9) That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding
riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.” For by
grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of
God. Not of works, lest any man should
GRACE - unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification. Approval, favor, mercy, pardon. A virtue coming from God.
When we hear
someone mention the word, “Grace”, there are two things that may come to our
mind. #1 – The prayer we recite to bless our food (Let’s say the grace). #2 – God’s
Unmerited Favor!
This week, we will explore what Grace
means, what it’s for and how we are recipients of it. Grace is nothing that we have
to work for. It is also not something we can earn or anything we deserve. It is
divinely given by God because He loves us, cares for us and wants to provide
for us.Contrary to many people beliefs
or opinions, God is a loving God and wants us to benefit from His provisions
and blessings.
When we say Unmerited
favor (Grace) it is simply saying that we are not entitled to or deserve anything
He wants to give us. God graces whomever He chose to grace. It can’t be bought,
but has to be given by Him. Have you ever received a gift from someone “just
because”? It wasn’t your birthday, anniversary, or nothing notable in your
life. The person just decided to give it to you. Well, that’s how God’s grace
to us can be compared in a sense. It is given through the sacrifices of His
only son, Jesus, that we can receive this grace from God. We didn’t bleed on
the cross, suffered on the cross, nor did we die on the cross. It was because of
Jesus that we can merit this favor. Jesus did all the work and the sacrifices
that we could obtain grace through his Father.
Bishop Jakes
coined this phrase, “Favor Ain’t Fair”. I added to this, “Favor Ain’t Fair, But
I Love it!” Whenever you obtain some undeserved blessings or whatever you may
receive, remember it is God’s grace towards you and not luck or anything you
may think you did to get it! Join us for Part 2 tomorrow.
Have a Blessed Week!
Saturday, March 9, 2013
JESUS CALMS THE SEA (Matt. 8:23-27)
(Mark 4:39-40) "And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?
(Matt. 21:22) "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
This week, we have been dealing with "FACING THE GIANT(S) IN OUR LIVES". I've shared various videos, photos, personal and biblical encounters on dealing with our giants. (If you missed any of the Blogs, please scroll down to view and read them).
In conclusion of this topic, I would like to share another way we can face and conquer any giant in our lives. The clip posted above shows how the disciples and Jesus were on the sea when the storm began to rage. They panicked, became fearful and didn't even think to use their own faith to face this sea giant. Jesus was trying to get a little rest from all the miracles and ministry teachings he had just done and wanted a nap. Notice, Jesus didn't bulge as the storm began to rage. He was calm. Why should he? He is the Master of the Sea and helped create the sea and the wind. Why should he awake and worry? When they woke him, he got up, told the sea and the wind to be still and it obeyed. The disciples were amazed!
We are all familiar with physical storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, twisters, etc. These weather conditions can come upon us suddenly most of the time. The weather forecasters alerts us of their status so we can find shelter or prepare for what may occur. However, there is little we can do to control or stop these storms. They are almost like giants which are so powerful and enormous that we can't do anything with them.
Nevertheless, we can control those storms (giants) in our lives which seem to stop, hinder, destroy, hurt and control us. We can ask for help! It's senseless to try to battle a storm alone that we know you can't handle. God is there to help us face our storms (giants).
These disciples tried all their skills to try to keep the ship intact but to no avail. They finally concluded that they couldn't do it because the sea had become as a giant to them ready to destroy them. Finally, they called on someone who could face this giant. If they had used their faith, they could have spoke to it as Jesus did, but they didn't. Jesus questioned their faith.
There is no storm too big for the Master. The lack of faith is in us and not God. Jesus promised his disciples before he left that he was sending them power (Acts. 1:8a) to conquer anything as long as they used his name. Why should we worry, fret, fear, run or panic when we have been given what it takes to face our giant?
God gave Joshua specific instructions on what to do to seize Jericho and for the walls to come down. This was a huge giant for Joshua and the Israelites, but they had faith in God and His Word. If we want our giants to fall down and "be gone", we must follow God's specific instructions He sends precisely! When God tells us how to defeat our giant, it may seem foolish to us or others, but we must carry out His instructions. That's why when we try to do it "our" way, the giant stays. When we do it God's way, the giant goes away! Joshua's victory at the Jericho Wall can be symbolic of giants in our way. Though we are small or few, it has to fall for God is on our side - Who can be against us? God will never leave us nor forsake us.
Tips to Face and Conquer Your Giant(s):
1. Have faith in God
2. Obey what He tells you to do
3. Don't lean to your own wisdom or how you think it should go, but ask God how and ask him to show you how.
4. Keep God's Word a constant in your daily life
5. A prayer life is necessary so you may receive instructions from Him and develop a deeper relationship with Him.
6. Begin speaking to your giant with the word, using his name and pleading the blood of Jesus.
7. Walk, Talk and Live in Victory and not in defeat.
We are More Than Conquerors through Jesus Christ. May you Face your giant(s), defeat them and walk in victory daily!
(Please visit us on next week for a new topic)
Thursday, March 7, 2013
(Alesia at age 8)
(Prov. 3:25a, 26)“Be not
afraid of sudden fear. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy
foot from being taken.(I Tim. 1:7)
“For God hath not given us the spirit of
fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
yesterday’s post, I shared one of my giants with you. It was the traffic I had
to deal with in Texas. It was the fear of the traffic that made it a giant in
my life. Fear can be a giant if we choose to let it be. I chose to conquer and
defeat it so it is no longer a giant in my life.
can cause torment, anxiety and a lot of stress if not dealt with properly. God
wants us to have faith and not fear. (I
John 4:18a- “There is no fear in
love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hathtorment.” To me it is simply saying,
when you really put your faith, hope, trust and all your love in someone, fear
will be dismissed because their love for us surpasses the fear. When we face
those things we fear into the hands of someone who loves, cares and is there to
protect us, we no longer have to carry or bear that giant.
(Personal story)
I can recall an incident in my childhood about fearing the unknown. Most small
kids are afraid of the dark and I was one of them. I guess I was around the age
of eight when this incident happened. We had all went to bed and over into the
night the neighbor’s dog began to bark repeatedly as if an intruder was near
our house. The dog would not stop barking and it kept me awoke. I went to our
bedroom window to see if I saw what it might have been barking at. I became
afraid and ran to my parent’s room and told my dad somebody was outside trying
to get into our house. I was so afraid because our bedroom was near the rear of
the house. My dad told me to go back to bed no one was out there and no one was
going to bother me. I went back to bed but I couldn’t sleep because the dog
wouldn’t stop barking and I thought I had heard something at the window and
door. Fear can really torment you especially as a child. I ran back to my dad
and told him I thought I had heard something outside and it was going to get
me. My dad got up, grabbed me up in his arms, opened the rear door and we both
went outside in the dark to check to see what was going on. This is not what I
wanted him to do. I wanted for him to go alone and not me with him. I began to
cry and tell him I didn’t want to go. He told me that it was necessary that I
go to see for myself that nothing was out there and I needed to face my fear.
We went around the entire perimeter of the house and there was nothing. He
wanted me to see that there was nothing out there in the dark awaiting me. FEAR had overtaken me.
FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real! My fear left because I faced it.
What I thought was there was not there. It sounded and appeared to be there. We
returned back inside the house and he laid me down in my bed and I fell asleep.
The enemy will use fear to steal our peace and our rest and it will become a
giant hindering us from moving forward. I’m so glad my dad decided to help me
face my giant (fear of the unknown) that night.
finding out that the key to overcoming a lot of the “giants” I listed on
Tuesday’s post is to knock down the #1
giant – FEAR! When we defeat that one, the rest of them of much easier to
challenge and defeat. The doctor can tell a physical fit and healthy person to
come in for a routine exam. Tests are
done and a small spot shows up on the x-ray and immediately when the patient is
told of this, FEAR enters and it activates symptoms in reaction to this news. I’ve
been told by the doctors that if I didn’t do this or that, this would happen,
etc. Each time they tell me something I look at them and say, “That’s what you
say, but I’m healed in the name of Jesus”.Done deal! When results were returned, everything they tested one me was
negative. What you believe in is what will be manifested in your life. If you
believe you are healed, you are healed. If you believe you are sick, you are
sick. If you believe you are victorious, then you are victorious. Let our prayer
daily be for God to help us eliminate fear in all forms so we can move on to
what’s NEXT in our lives and defeat these other giants lurking at us!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Facing The Giants In Our Lives
(My Personal
(Prov. 3:5-6) “Trust
in the Lord with all thing heart; and lean not unto thine own
understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge
him, and he shall direct thy paths. “
July of 2008, my son and I relocated to Texas. For almost 48 years, I had lived
in a small town (Americus, Georgia). Traffic was very manageable and I had no
problem getting to and from my home to my destinations. Well, this all changed
when I moved to a big city. Even when I lived in my hometown of Americus, going
to the city of Atlanta scared me and caused my head to hurt with knowing I had
to deal with the traffic.
interstates, spurs and loops, overpasses and learning routes became a real
giant to me. I was terrified and so nervous facing this predicament of the
traffic. One of my pastor friends had presented me a GPS before I moved and it
became a tool that I relied on a lot. However, it’s good to know your way
around without assisted help just in case something mechanical goes wrong with
your device. As we approached Dallas and Fort Worth, there were 4 to 5 lanes
compared to the two lanes where I came from. Ride with me as the attached clip
shows you all the routes and highways I traveled while I lived in DFW. I became nervous but remained calmed because I
had to do this regardless. When we arrived at my brother’s home, I got out my
car, got on my knees and kissed the ground! Giant #1 conquered.
Giant #2 – As
time passed, my brother, who lived in Texas, had me to follow him to downtown
Fort Worth to apply for a job. He and his wife drove a separate vehicle and I
drove mine because he had another appointment after leaving me. He told me that
I had to learn my way around this place sooner or later and this was that day! I
panicked! After I finished my task, I proceeded to go back home. Even though I
had the GPS programmed, I had never dealt with driving in the downtown traffic
before. I went down a one way street (thank God no cars were on that side of
the street) and was so scared. This was definitely a big giant I had to face
and had to face it quickly. I had to either take control of the situation or it
would take control of me. I prayed and asked God to please help me deal with
this traffic “giant”. This was a day I’ll never forget. I made it home safely
and came to realize that until I learned to face my giant, I would always have
fear in going where I needed to go. I conquered my fear of the traffic that day
as I faced a giant I never had to face before with God’s help. Since that time,
I’ve driven in downtown traffic of Miami, FL, Austin, TX, New York, PA and
other major cities. I now reside in Atlanta, GA where we do have serious traffic
but I’ve faced that giant and have no problem driving or dealing with traffic
many of you, this may seem like nothing, but to me it was a challenge and a giant
that I overcame. Thank God for allowing me to face this giant! Amen.
18:14) “Is there any thing too hard for the Lord”?
8:31b) “If God be for us, who can be against us?”
17:20) “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say
unto you, if ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this
mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall
be impossible unto to you.”
have read or perhaps seen the movie about the Ten Commandments where God divided
the Red Sea for the Israelites to be rescued from Pharaoh and his army. As Pharaoh’s
army stood behind them, Moses and the Israelites had a humongous giant before
them – The Red Sea. With the natural eyes, there was no way they could avoid
this situation with almost a million people to cross. There was no ship big
enough to carry these many people across or a Department of Transportation crew
to build a bridge quick enough for them to cross. This was a giant they were
facing. Something had to be done quickly or they would be destroyed by Pharaoh’s
Moses stood there looking at this giant (The Red Sea), he began to talk to the
only one who could deliver them. God told him what to do. He believed and he
obeyed! As Moses faced this giant with his rod pointed to it, God opened up the
sea and the children of Israel walked on dry land through the sea to the other
side and were saved. The same sea that they walked through, God used to drown
the army of Pharaoh (their enemy/giant).
So, what is in our lives too hard
for God? What giant is in our lives that
we can’t conquer with God’s help? In times when we can’t see a way out or see
how we can face and defeat our giants, what should we do?
1.Ask and
it shall be given unto you, seek and
ye shall find, knock and the door will
be opened unto you. We have not because we ask not. Why do we fail to ask for
help from someone who can handle any giants in our lives? There is nothing God
won’t do for his people when their ways please Him and we ask of Him in the
name of Jesus.
the faith to believe that He can and He will.
3.Obey His
instructions and you will have success in not only facing your giant, but
defeating and conquering your giant.
4.Trust Him
with all your heart and lean not to your own intellect or understanding. What
is impossible to you is possible with God. Stop trying to figure out how you
will face or defeat the problem and let God show you how.
Him first. We usually try to face things along and end up making a “hot
mess” out of the situation when all we had to do was seek God first for an
to God honestly what we want Him to remove and get rid of in our lives. We must
reveal to Him in prayer or our personal time with Him those things that have
hindered us from being victorious. No matter how big those giants are, God will
give us the power, strength and wisdom to face and defeat them when we ask Him
7.Speak the
Word of God over those things and confess them constantly until they have
become your declaration and they are defeated. (I’ve listed many helpful scriptures to use throughout
these posts).
We are
more than conquerors because the greater one lives within us and is on our
side. The giant comes to kill, steal and destroy us. God is there to remove,
eliminate and free us from any and every giant in our lives. We are the victors
of our giants!