(John 3:16,17) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."
(Rom. 5:6-8) "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
World: People in general
Condemn: To declare wrong, criticize, to sentence judicially
Commend: Recommend, to commit to one's care
Love is a strong and powerful word loaded with vast emotions! Some use it casually at times not realizing the potentials it has on a person and what it can provide to a person. I Cor. 13:3-8 describes what love (charity) is and what is isn't so precisely. Love gives without asking for anything in return or with strings attached.
Many of us have read, heard and committed to our memory John 3:16 and it really haven't sunk it what it really means. We (the world) were doomed for destruction and had no way of being saved from this sentence of death. Because God had mercy upon us and loved us so much, he needed to redeem us back to him because of the sin our forefathers committed in the beginning. There was a need for a sacrifice and it had to be one who was spotless and worthy. No man was available so he sent Jesus (our ransom or redemption). The only requirement needed to obtain this love and redemption was to believe who Jesus was and accept what he had to offer.
Jesus' time on earth was not wasted on condemning the world or blaming those who were with sin. There is a popular phrase many use today which simply says, "Don't judge me!" This is exactly what Jesus didn't come to do but to love us so we wouldn't be judged! He came to forgive, set free, heal and deliver a lost and hurting world back to his Father. There are still many today in the world rejecting and refusing to accept his love and acknowledging his power to forgive and to save them from their sins.
Paul expresses in the above scripture (Rom. 5:6-8) that it would be rare that you find a man today who would be willing to give his life for another. Even if the person was a good person and worthy to give their life for, it would be a hard decision to make. God loved us so much that he sent such a man to die for us...His only Son! Remember Abraham and Isaac? This earthly father was willing to sacrifice his own son in obedience to God. When God saw his heart and his obedience to Him, He provided a ram (a sacrifice, a substitute) in Isaac's place. Jesus was like our "ram" and he was our "lamb"! There will never be a greater love given to this world than what God gave us! He gave His son; His Son gave his life so we could have life and that more abundantly!
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