Tuesday, March 5, 2013

As posted yesterday, Goliath was David’s giant to overcome. It was his distraction and his problem. In fact, Goliath was Israel’s giant to overcome.  Every morning this giant would come to the battlefield and shout out threats face to face to King Saul and his army. That was the problem. They were facing their giant day after day after day and never able to face him head on and defeat him. However, along comes a bold boy who trusted in His God to face the giant and defeat him. David faced a physical giant in Goliath, but we face giants of our own all the time, whether they are mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual giants. In order for us to conquer and defeat our Giants, we must face and name them (know who or what they are). Here are just a few but there are many more:

1.       Fear

2.       The Past

3.       Worry

4.       Stress

5.       Doubt

6.       Anxiety

7.       Depression

8.       Insecurities

9.       Loneliness

10.   Low Self-esteem

11.   Fear of Failure

12.   Condemnation

13.   Addictions

14.   Sicknesses

15.   Financial difficulties

16.   Family and Relationship Issues

17.   Poverty

18.   Mental Anguish

If we are honest with ourselves, we can admit that we have dealt with one or more of these listed giants in our lives. They have bothered and intimidated us and many times defeated us. These giants continue to stare us in the face.  Goliath was a real person but these giants listed are as real as he was.  They come to hinder and block us from receiving the victory. If we fail to recognize them, they will eventually begin to increase in size and become harder to get rid of. They will always stand between us and where we are trying to go. Until we rise up, step up and face up to our giants, they will always be the victor and we will remain the victim. How do we face our giants and defeat them will be shared on tomorrow. Please come back as I Share a Word to the World.

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