A "Hard" Matter or a "Heart" Matter?
The Rich Young Ruler
(Matt. 6:21) "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Heart: The essential or most vital part of something.
When there is something near and dear to us, it is somewhat a "hard" thing to let it go or release it. One might say, it has become so close to our "heart" (its importance to us) that parting from it may become a "hard" thing to do. This week, we will be dealing with some matters that may be "hard" for us to deal with to determine where our "heart" is!
This young ruler really wanted to follow Jesus and receive what he had to offer. When Jesus told him what he must do to follow him, it became a "hard" matter and not a "heart" matter. He chose to follow where his "heart" was...his possessions.
What would our response be if this question was presented to us today? Would we be willing to give up or let go of certain possessions to follow Jesus because of the love we have for him in our "hearts"? Would we find it a "hard" decision to make because our "heart" hadn't reached that level of love and trust yet to follow him?
When it's a "heart" matter, it's not a "hard" matter!
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