JESUS CALMS THE SEA (Matt. 8:23-27)
(Mark 4:39-40) "And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?
(Matt. 21:22) "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
This week, we have been dealing with "FACING THE GIANT(S) IN OUR LIVES". I've shared various videos, photos, personal and biblical encounters on dealing with our giants. (If you missed any of the Blogs, please scroll down to view and read them).
In conclusion of this topic, I would like to share another way we can face and conquer any giant in our lives. The clip posted above shows how the disciples and Jesus were on the sea when the storm began to rage. They panicked, became fearful and didn't even think to use their own faith to face this sea giant. Jesus was trying to get a little rest from all the miracles and ministry teachings he had just done and wanted a nap. Notice, Jesus didn't bulge as the storm began to rage. He was calm. Why should he? He is the Master of the Sea and helped create the sea and the wind. Why should he awake and worry? When they woke him, he got up, told the sea and the wind to be still and it obeyed. The disciples were amazed!
We are all familiar with physical storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, twisters, etc. These weather conditions can come upon us suddenly most of the time. The weather forecasters alerts us of their status so we can find shelter or prepare for what may occur. However, there is little we can do to control or stop these storms. They are almost like giants which are so powerful and enormous that we can't do anything with them.
Nevertheless, we can control those storms (giants) in our lives which seem to stop, hinder, destroy, hurt and control us. We can ask for help! It's senseless to try to battle a storm alone that we know you can't handle. God is there to help us face our storms (giants).
These disciples tried all their skills to try to keep the ship intact but to no avail. They finally concluded that they couldn't do it because the sea had become as a giant to them ready to destroy them. Finally, they called on someone who could face this giant. If they had used their faith, they could have spoke to it as Jesus did, but they didn't. Jesus questioned their faith.
There is no storm too big for the Master. The lack of faith is in us and not God. Jesus promised his disciples before he left that he was sending them power (Acts. 1:8a) to conquer anything as long as they used his name. Why should we worry, fret, fear, run or panic when we have been given what it takes to face our giant?
God gave Joshua specific instructions on what to do to seize Jericho and for the walls to come down. This was a huge giant for Joshua and the Israelites, but they had faith in God and His Word. If we want our giants to fall down and "be gone", we must follow God's specific instructions He sends precisely! When God tells us how to defeat our giant, it may seem foolish to us or others, but we must carry out His instructions. That's why when we try to do it "our" way, the giant stays. When we do it God's way, the giant goes away! Joshua's victory at the Jericho Wall can be symbolic of giants in our way. Though we are small or few, it has to fall for God is on our side - Who can be against us? God will never leave us nor forsake us.
Tips to Face and Conquer Your Giant(s):
1. Have faith in God
2. Obey what He tells you to do
3. Don't lean to your own wisdom or how you think it should go, but ask God how and ask him to show you how.
4. Keep God's Word a constant in your daily life
5. A prayer life is necessary so you may receive instructions from Him and develop a deeper relationship with Him.
6. Begin speaking to your giant with the word, using his name and pleading the blood of Jesus.
7. Walk, Talk and Live in Victory and not in defeat.
We are More Than Conquerors through Jesus Christ. May you Face your giant(s), defeat them and walk in victory daily!
(Please visit us on next week for a new topic)
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