Friday, March 1, 2013

As the old cliché’ stated, “We are what we eat.” Whatever we put in our bodies or do with our bodies will directly or indirectly open doors for germs, diseases and bacteria to enter. We can’t prevent everything from invading our bodies which causes sickness but we can take control by banning or allowing the wrong things from entering our bodies. Whether it is over indulging in fatty or unhealthy foods, alcoholic beverages, smoking, etc., is a matter of choice. Our choices determine how it will affect our bodies and damages to our internal organs over a period of time.

            Doctors and pharmaceutical establishments may advise us and prescribe medicines to treat the symptoms but may not tell us what is really causing our sicknesses. They may try to tell us what they feel is making us sick based on their findings from our medical records but will continue to treat and see us. God heals-PERIOD and it is FEE FREE! All we need is FAITH to believe He is able.

Some things which can cause us to be sick or contract diseases:

1.      Food: (Products infected by parasites, bacteria, viruses, pesticides and toxins (How they are grown, handled, prepared, preserved and served). There are many controversial topics for discussion on certain animals which should not be eaten which have been found to be harmful to the body. However, the choice to consume any type meat is up to the individual. I choose to use the word of God in I Tim. 4:4 “For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be confused, if it be received with thanksgiving.”  PLEASE BLESS YOUR FOOD BEFORE EATING!

2.      Sexual (Parasites, bacteria and viruses taken into your body by sexual contact with infected persons – AIDS and other sexual contracted diseases)

3.      Drugs (nicotine or narcotics)

4.      Alcoholic beverages

5.      Overeating and Improper eating habits

6.      Lack of proper exercise

7.      Lack of proper rest

8.      Improper sanitation practices

9.      Unsanitary living conditions

10.  Lack of Vaccinations and Immunizations

11.  Spreading of germs (Colds, Flu, etc.)

12.  Sin (Jesus advised many of those after he had healed them, to “Go and sin no more lest worse things come upon you). As believers of Christ, our body becomes the temple or house where the Spirit of God lives (I Cor. 3:16-17). Sin has no place in it. Many sicknesses will manifest in our bodies if sin is present. It is our duty to repent and ask God for forgiveness so we can be healed and stay healed.

Jesus had so much compassion for people in general and especially for those who were sick and diseased that he healed all that came to him. His healing power is still present and available to anyone who will believe and receive it. Just as one believes in what medicinal prescriptions can do, we must exercise out faith in God’s Word to receive our healing. There is nothing that God can’t heal or cure when we believe. We must believe in His Word, apply it to our situation and stand on it until our healing is manifested. God Wants Us Healed And Whole!

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