Friday, June 28, 2013

(Matt. 22:14) "For many are called, but few are chosen."
(Gal. 6:9) "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."

           I experienced something that was a first in my lifetime. It was when I attended a Job Fair in my area. In the past, I've stood in long lines at amusement parks; I've been stuck in traffic jams on the freeway for hours, but never have I had to stand in the heat outside for over 3 hours at a Job Fair. There were over 200+ people in line and I was #27. Looking behind me I felt blessed knowing I would've been one of those at the very end of the line. I rejoiced as the line began to move forward and my name was finally called to be interviewed. Of all those who withstood the heat, hurting feet and the long wait, only a select few would be chosen for the position offered. Sometimes, in order to get something you want, you may have to do something you've never done and that I did. We must be willing to make sacrifices at times to get what is needed. It may be uncomfortable but if we want it bad enough, we will do what it takes to obtain our blessing if it's God's will. We cannot give up when the odds are against us.
          I'm reminded of the story in St. John 5:1-15. So many people with different issues came to the pool of Bethesda to be the one to receive their healing. At a certain season, an angel got in the water and stirred it up. It didn't matter if they were there before daybreak or the nearest one at the pool. The first one to get in the water was the one who would receive their healing. After 38 years, this particular impotent man had waited for his turn. Because of his physical disability, he didn't have anyone to assist him in getting in the pool. He probably became discouraged this particular time knowing he had to wait another season before this opportunity presented itself again. I am so glad that God's ways are not man's ways. When Jesus "shows up", he causes a "mess-up" for our good.                   
          Whatever was the tradition or custom of the day became annul. Jesus was present on the scene and saw the man and wanted to know one thing from him. He asked him, "Will thou be made whole?" In other words, he was asking him if he was really serious about changing his situation. If so, then it was up to the impotent man to make the move. God works with our faith to cause the impossible, possible! This impotent man not only gained his ability to walk again but his sins were forgiven as well.
          Life will often dictate to us various means of getting what we need to maintain our lifestyles, livelihood or status quo. We may have to stand in long lines for extended periods of time or perhaps wait for years until changes occur. When we really and truly trust God and believe Him for the impossible, His delay doesn't mean our request is denied. We must know what God has for us will manifest itself in the fullness of time and the season He has appointed for it to happen. In the meantime, we must wait patiently and just thank Him in advance for what we have asked Him for. Hang in there for you're NEXT UP in line for a miracle!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

(Matt. 19:20-22) "The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor,and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.
(Matt. 6:19-20a,21) "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But rather lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

          We all have become accustomed to having our phones or Ipads with us everywhere we go. It's wireless and it's convenient. A lot of our communication, business transactions and important information is at our fingertips. In a sense, if we think about it, our cells are very valuable and precious to us. We can say, they could be considered as a treasure to us. I've misplaced my cellphones several times and experienced a great loss because I had attached myself to this little 5 or 6 inch electronic device. I felt a sense of loss after I no longer had it in my possession. Even though I needed my phone, I realized that it could be replaced. It could have been my life instead of my phone. We can become so attached that it's difficult to detach.  

           When something is very precious and valuable to you, it may be difficult to let it go or detach from it. There is a type of attachment involved in which it's difficult to part from it. It becomes something you get used to having with you. The young man in the scripture wanted the things Jesus had to offer but he was not willing to let go (detach) of his treasures (attachments) in order to follow Jesus. He had kept the commandments since he was a child. Sadly, he was attached to his "things" or treasures that he was not willing to give them up (detach) for the greatest treasure of all! How can one lose with what Christ has to offer? Many are doing the same thing today. The enemy has blinded many people eyes thinking that having riches, fame, prestige and wealth in any form can bring them happiness, fulfillment and all they need. Whatever your heart is attached to, it can control you in a lot of ways. These things can perish, rust away and even be taken away from us. Let us not get so attached to "things" or "treasures" that our heart forget the most important things we should follow after to possess and this is Christ. TOO ATTACHED TO DETACH?


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

(Please mute media tab first at bottom right to hear video posted)
We live our lives each day sometimes unaware of who is watching us, reading us, modeling us and admiring us. This beautiful selection below caught my attention insomuch that I wanted to share it with you today. In remembrance of my oldest sister who went to be with the Lord 21 months ago today, I'm posting this precious poem in her memory. I can't tell you how much she mattered to me, our family and those whom she touched while with us 55 years. Whatever we do, make every moment matter. It cannot be rewind or fast-forwarded. We only get one shot at it and it does matter!
Sunrise: May 10, 1956 - Sunset:  Sept. 26, 2011



Tuesday, June 25, 2013

(Part 2 of Extreme Mind Makeover Edition)
(Alesia on a 40ft Zip Line in Texas)

(Mark 4:40) "And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?"
(Mark 9:23) "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."

BELIEVE: To place one's trust and confidence in something or someone without knowing the outcome in advance (Alesia's definition)

          The blog posted yesterday dealt with situations where bodily changes were mentioned. Individuals who desired to lose weight were challenged with situations they never faced before. In order for them to get to their goal, it was necessary that they had an Extreme Mind Makeover. A person's mind has to be changed first before anything else can change. Your mind (brain) controls your actions, movements, emotions, desires and every aspect of your life. It is the central control unit of our body.
          Fear of something or someone can seem so real until you choose not to be afraid of it or them. In the text above, the disciples were encountering a storm at sea and they became fearful. They chose to be afraid and could have chosen to believe and rebuke the storm. Jesus chose to have faith and arose and rebuked the storm. The biggest challenge we as human tends to allow to overtake us is FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) instead of choosing FAITH (Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him). Simply put, we should choose to BELIEVE! Jesus said "All things are possible to him the believeth." Not some or that it may happen but it would happen when and if we believe.
          I posted a couple of photos above which visualizes an example of using the mind to overcome fear to believe. At a teacher's retreat while living in Texas, our staff was challenged to go on the Zip line as a teamwork experience and recreational activity. I don't care much for heights and this was not my forte'. Being encouraged by my coworkers, I took the challenge and decided to try it. Fear gripped my mind and my body as I stood next in line to take the leap. The hardest part about the entire ordeal was the "step-off". This is the place at the edge of the platform when you have to jump off with nothing under your feet to brace you. It took me a few minutes before I let go of fear, believed in myself, and went for it. It's so amazing that once I let go, all the fear left. I even did it again and was no longer afraid. It was all a mind thing! No matter what we are afraid of, when we put our faith and trust in God to believe, anything is possible! I challenge you today to let go of your fears,  "step-off" and allow your mind to believe for the impossible! It's a Mind Thing!

Monday, June 24, 2013



(Rom. 12:2) "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
(Eph. 4:23) "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind."
(Phil 4:8) "Finally, brethern, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Transform - to change or convert
Renew- To restore, refresh, to make like new.
           There is a show on television I loved watching called, Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition. Just watching the chosen candidate being transformed from their start weight to their ending weight loss in one year was captivating and inspiring. Chris Powell, the series trainer's, task was to take the selected candidate through strenuous exercises, food management changes and weight training maneuvers to make the transformation necessary for their ideal weight loss. The journey was challenging, painful and sacrificial to the candidate and those close to them as well.
           To make such a drastic transformation such as this, one has to have a mind change. Unless a person has a willing mind to be transformed or make changes in their lifestyle, it will be difficult to accomplish their goals. First, in order to change any situation, your mind has to make the decision to change. Your old mindset will have to be transformed in order to make the change. While attending my workout class last week, the trainer had us doing things on the floor we've never done before. One particular exercise I had trouble with. I said, "I can't do this one" and I sat it out. Something said to me, YES YOU CAN! So, I made up my mind that I could and as she went through it again with us, I kept saying to myself, "YES I CAN, YES I CAN and I did!" The power of the mind is something to behold. My mind said Yes even when my body said no and the mind won!
          Whatever situation you find yourself in today, your mind put it there. Your thoughts direct the flow of activity into and out of your life. Your mind can make you ill, or it can make you well. Your mind can control your relationships; control how you think of yourself; determines whether to be wealthy or poor; happy or sad; be successful or be a failure; be a peacemaker or a confusion-maker, etc. You can transform your situation by transforming you mind. When a person gets fed up with where they are or what they are in, this is the time to make that "Extreme Mind Makeover". God is concerned about our "WHOLE" being. He wants us to have a renewed mind so we can obtain all the blessings He has for his children. Let us be challenged to have an EXTREME MIND MAKEOVER!

Friday, June 21, 2013

(Good for the body and soul)

(3 John 2) "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as they soul prospereth."

Today, I want to share a dozen of doughnuts with you.
1. Take time out for you - Quiet time!

2. Trust your head, follow your first instincts. They are usually the right ones.

3. Don't be fooled by appearances.

4. Plan prayerfully; prepare purposefully; proceed positively; pursue persistently.

5. Be willing to admit when you are wrong and ask for forgiveness.

6. Be flexible.

7. Do the best you can where you are with what you have.

8. Be prepared!

9. See the invisible; feel the intangible; achieve the impossible.

10. Focus+Courage+Willingness to Work = Progression towards Perfection.

11. Help somebody else.

12. When you don't understand what's going on, pray. When you understand, still pray!

Thursday, June 20, 2013


(Ecclesiates 3:1,9) “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. What profit hath he that worketh in that wherein he laboureth?”
(Rom. 8:28) “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

Purpose is defined as something set up as an object or end to be attained. Pursue means to follow in order to overtake or capture.
I've watched in actuality as well as on television where cops have sped on the highway in pursuit of someone who perhaps were trying to escape due to a crime committed. The officer(s)' purpose was to catch and overtake the suspect by pursuing them at any means necessary. In our pursuit of fulfilling our purposes, wouldn't it be great if we did as the officers do? Whatever is necessary to capture or follow our purpose, we should aim at pursuing it.  Many questions are asked as we attempt to pursue goals, careers, and new adventures in our lives to fulfill our purpose. Why are we doing what we do? What’s in it for me? Why is it necessary? Why was I born? What was I put here on earth to do or accomplish? Are my contributions worth anything? What’s the use?
For everything God has created and established here on earth has meaning and purpose. Unless we make an attempt to pursue our purpose, our lives will end up meaningless and unfulfilled. Some of us live from day to day without a real sense of purpose. We know we want more out of life but we can’t seem to put our finger on exactly what it is. When we have a plan, a purpose, or a mission, with it comes a passion that gives us the vision. When our vision is clear, we can move gracefully through our goals and our purpose. With our purpose in mind, we are able to embrace the tasks and focus on fulfilling our purpose. When a person has a purpose, there is a sense of value, worth and respect which is felt as the mission is in motion.
It is important that we define our purpose or mission. Is it teaching? Encouraging? Helping others? Providing healing for the hurting? Ministering to others? Counseling? Cooking? Providing organizational skills? Writing?Painting/Drawing? Singing? Designing? Dancing? Composing? Managing? Enhancing lives?, etc. Whatever we are very good at and are the strongest in is usually our sole purpose in life which we have been called to do. Let us endeavor to find and define our purpose; pursue it with meaning and we will find that our life will have peace and satisfaction as we fulfill what we were place here by God to do. Pursue Your Purpose!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

(Please mute media player at bottom right of page first before clicking tab on video posted)
(II Cor. 10:3,4) “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds.”
(Eph. 6:12) “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
(Heb. 4; 12) “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

          As believers in God’s army, we must not forget that as we continue to live in this world, our fight is not against flesh and blood (or simply mankind), but the spirit of the enemy that exists within an individual. The war is against spirits of darkness, attitudes, philosophies, religious beliefs and moral views that are against the Word of God and God Himself.
          We must not allow our flesh to react in the midst of confrontational issues or when there is disagreement. The Word of God is the weapon we must apply or use in times of adversity or warfare. Some weapons we can use to combat the power of the enemy are The Word, Prayer and Praise. Satan tried to persuade Jesus in the wilderness to bow down to him and worship him. Jesus’ reply was the Word. Joshua, in the midst of many battles, sought the Lord in prayer, and won. Paul and Silas were put in jail but began to pray and sing (praises) and they were delivered from jail.
          The Word of God tells us to resist the devil and he will flee from us (James 4:7). It didn’t say we should run from him but he would run from us. Satan is aware that we have been “loaded” with the weapons capable of defeating him. We have been given the power and the authority to defeat him. We must use the weapons God has equipped His saints with to win the battles in our lives. We will always have the victory if we use what God has given us. My dad used to tell us when he preached that no hunter goes into the woods without having adequate ammunition to use. He stated that as a child of God, we must keep enough ammunition with us at all times to use against the enemy.
          It is vital that we arm ourselves with the Word of God because we never know when and where it will be needed. Our fight is not against each other, but the enemy within. Let us look beyond the flesh when we are confronted with people or issues causing us to react negatively. It is not the person but the spirit within. The enemy is not after us personally but the God in us and our stand for righteousness. Let us use our spiritual weapons instead of material weapons.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

(Please mute media player at bottom right of page first before clicking tab on video posted)
(Rev. 3:5) “He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.”
(Rev. 20:12,15)  “And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

Have you ever booked a reservation at a particular hotel? Have you ever reserved a venue, rental car, equipment or made a flight reservation with a major airline? The key to doing this is to make sure you book it in advance. Why? With so many people requesting probably the same type room, car, equipment, venue or flight and seat, it is best to do it far in advance so you can get what you desire. The procedure in booking or reserving something requires the customer service to place your space or slot on hold. Usually it’s done in a ledger or book or with modern technology, it’s an online ledger. However they do it, it is recorded and secured. This record consists of having your name and contact information included, what you booked, the date you desired, and the cost. After all this has been submitted, you are given a confirmation number or receipt acknowledging you have a successful reservation. When the time draws near for you to take the trip or pick up the item, you have proof of your reservation. All they have to do is check for your name in the book or records.
           In the text above, God has a book of reservations in Revelation. Revelation is the last book of the bible – the end! It tells of events that will happen at the end of time and describes the place God has reserved for believers in eternity. Daily in some form or another, the gospel has been offered to the world to accept Jesus Christ to receive salvation and eternal life. Those that accept him will have their names written in book of life. Many people put it off, procrastinate and many pretend it’s not necessary. Some even believe that Heaven and Hell is a fairytale and is an imagery of the mind and not real. They think that once dead, it’s done. But, this is not the end. If Jesus had not come and sacrificed his life and shed his blood for us, it would have been the end. He came to offer us life after death. He came to give us eternal life and to live with him forever in Heaven. He has reserved a place with His Father in Heaven for us if we choose to accept him. When a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal savior; their name is reserved until the day of judgment.
           On that final day, if your name does not appear in the book, you will be escorted to the lake of fire with Satan and his angels and those who refused to accept Jesus while on earth. There are those who walk around thinking that this day will not come. Precious hearts, the soon coming of Jesus Christ is closer now than it’s ever been. Book your reservation now, because tomorrow may be too late. Don’t put it off thinking that you have time and you can do it at the last minute. If your name doesn’t appear in God’s book of life when you stand before Him that day, then you will not be allowed to enter into eternity. If you have accepted him; stay ready, stay holy, share the gospel with others to get ready and accept him and be prepared for His return. This is one place you really want your name to appear. Will your name be found in the Book of Life? Have you made your Reservation?

Monday, June 17, 2013

(Zech. 4:10a) “For who hath despised the day of small things?”
(Luke 15:4, 6b) “What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it. Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.”
(Luke 21:2,3) “And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites (copper coins). And he said, of a truth I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast in more than they all.”

While out doing my walking recently, I noticed a shiny object on the pavement. As I drew nearer, it was a shiny, new penny. As I walked a bit farther, there appeared another penny similar to the last one. Did I walk by and leave it where it laid? No, I picked them both up and continued walking. As I walked, I thought to myself, “How many people had walked by these same two pennies and left them there?” Some may have felt that their value was not worth the trouble of picking them up. Some may have passed by thinking two cents wouldn’t make a difference in their finances. I wonder how many would have walked by if it were a nickel, dime, quarter or a huge bill instead of the pennies? There used to be and still is a saying which states, “Pennies makes dollars.” Even though a penny is only worth one cent, when you collect a lot of them, the amount adds up to dollars. For one thing, copper is a valuable and useful metal.
Can you imagine us being those pennies lying on the road with people passing by as if we were not worth the trouble of picking up? Can you imagine how Jesus forsook his royalty in heaven and saw value in us that he gave his life for us? When others ignored us, counted us out, felt we were not worth salvaging, Jesus saw the value in us. He saw worth in us and saved us. Not sure what many of you do with your pennies, but if you save them, they will soon develop into much. Change does matter! We mattered to Jesus. Don’t ever think that your life or what you do has no value. The parable Jesus used about the lost sheep shows how he valued the one more than the 99 he already had. Jesus cared more for the one than the many. You are valuable to God and to His kingdom work. Don’t compare who you are or what you do as not being worthwhile or valuable to God. God sees what man doesn’t see. Who you are in Him, your love for Him, obedience to Him and service to Him is what counts the most in His eyes and not in man’s eyes. You are valuable to God! PENNY-WORTH!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Thursday, June 13, 2013

(Job 23:12b) “I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.”
(Matt. 4:4) “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
(Matt. 6:11) “Give us this day our daily bread.”
(Psa. 119:103) “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! Yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth.”

Bread is a food that is necessary to the body which is also one of the main basic food groups. Whatever form or type bread one consumes, its nutrients provide sustenance to the body. There is a store that I frequent on Tuesdays which provides popular-brand honey wheat bread and other type breads to customers for only a dollar. Super deal! This particular day when I visited, the shelf was empty. I asked the store's clerk what had happened and she replied because of the great deal offered, the bread is sold as soon as it hits the shelf. I was disappointed because I wanted this particular bread for our household. Did I give up? Of course not! I visited their other stores only to find they were out as well. Still disappointed, I ended up getting another type wheat bread. It was still tasty but not my regular brand and type.
It is something about the right kind of bread and taste that you acquire that other brands or breads cannot satisfy. The Word of God (our daily bread) is a much needed sustenance to keep our “spiritual being” healthy and fit. We can consume all of types of natural bread, but it will not feed our spiritual being. God’s Word generates life, creates faith and produces change. It frightens the Devil! It was the Word (bread) that Jesus used against him when he went into the wilderness to fast and pray for 40 days. The Word causes miracles, heals hurts, builds character, transforms circumstances and imparts joy. Natural bread cannot begin to do what God’s Word (bread) does for us. It gives hope, releases power, cleanses and purifies our hearts, minds. It brings things into being by just speaking the Word. We cannot live without the Word of God. We must never take it for granted. We should consider it as essential to our lives as food! It will sustain us more than anything.

GOD’S B (Bread) R (Replenishes) E (Energizes) A (Anyone) D (Daily). Lord, give us this day our daily bread! Amen.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Gal. 6:1-2 ~ "Brethern, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ".
James 5:16a ~ "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed".
I John 1:9 ~ "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness".

Fault - a moral weakness; a physical or intellectual imperfection or impairment, defect, error or mistake.

          WOW! This definition is right to the point isn't it? How many of us can honestly admit that we have faults? Of course, we wished we didn't, but we do. I'm reminded of many cases in the bible where there were people who were at fault and many of the bystanders (and some church people) wanted to stone them to death or put them where all could see their fault(s) when they had erred. I am so glad that God doesn't treat us like man does or a lot of us may be behind bars, dead or sentenced to life. Notice what the word tells us to do when we find someone in a fault. Those who are spiritual (ones who know how to rightly administer healing, consultation and offer solution and restoration to the person at fault).
           When someone is already condemned or know they have done wrong, they don't need to be stomped down, have stones thrown at them or reminded constantly of their fault, but need a helping hand to get up. So many of us have thrown rocks and hid our hands when the shoe was on the other foot (old cliche'). When we see one at fault, ask God to let us see through His eyes and not our own. The view through spiritual eyes will be better than the natural eyes. Our human tendencies and responses usually dictates to us to render judgment speedily not caring about facts or reasoning.
Even when the woman caught in adultery was at fault, her accusers never tried to offer restoration or forgiveness (and most of these were "church-goers" who knew the law). Instead of being stone-casters, let us be stone-gathers (picking up the stones meant to be thrown to harm the person with fault(s). Jesus in the midst of it all became this woman's stone-catcher and ours as well.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Exodus 3:13,14a - "And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say tome, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM."
          I have read so many ABC's for this and that. In preschool, we were taught the Alphabet song to help us to remember our letters and their sounds. Today, I have comprised an ABC list of who God is to me. I challenge you to take time to make a list also of who He is to you. Knowing who He is allows us to appreciate who He is period and not what He can do for us. God is God and there is none who compares to Him. He is God all by Himself! He is the GREAT I AM (not of the past or present but of the Now).
God is:
Awesome Better, Caring,
Dependable, Everlasting, Forgiving,
Great, Holy, Incredible,
Jehovah, Kind, Loving,
Merciful, Necessary, Omnipotent,
Powerful, Quick, Righteous,
Super, Terrific, Unchangeable,
Vital, Wonderful, Xtraordinary,
Yeshua, Zoe.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


(Gen. 1:26a) "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
(Luke 6:44a)  "For every tree is known by his own fruit."
(I Cor. 6:20) "For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."
(I Pet. 2:9) "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light."
(Col. 3:10) "And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him."
LABEL - a form of identification to distinguish what something is or what contents are inside.
BRANDS - Printed or visible marks or symbols used to determine or identify the ownership or rights of something belonging to the maker or creator.
IDENTIFICATION - Means used to recognize an individual or something by a specific look, outward appearance/dress, character, speech, personality, physical attributes, etc., to prevent fraud or theft.

           In our world, we deal with all sorts of labels, brands and types of IDs. We see labels and brands while riding along the freeway, busy interstates, highways, etc. We see them when we click on our televisions in forms of ads or commercials. As shown in the video snippet, designers, product owners and distributors place their labels on their items to identify and represent what they are trying to sell. We see them when we shop, dine out or listening to our radios. They are important. How would one know what's inside a container or item unless there is some form of identifying label on the outside? They are great informers and helps us to organize better, especially in Corporate America. Brands gives us a clue of who the designer or manufacturer is sometimes without even checking out the product itself. The brand of an item often encourages us to purchase it just because of who made it. Non-brand items sometimes get overlooked due to the most popular "brand-named" items on display being chosen.

          We are identified not only by our name or fingerprints but by various personal cards such as Driver's Licenses, Photo ID badges, Social Security cards, tag numbers, voice and palm recognition devices, PIN (Personal Identification Numbers) or codes. These things are vital to prevent thefts of all kind. In the kingdom of God, we should be identified as belonging to Him and representing His label and His brand - HOLINESS. Since He is our maker and creator, there should be something on us, in us or about us that identifies us as belonging to Him. The world should be able to recognize that we belong to Him. Our speech, our character, our integrity, how we handle everyday situation differently from others should readily associate us with God.
          As with brand-name items, people are more prone to select them because of the quality than the quantity just because of the maker/designer. God designed us in His own image and His own likeness. He didn't make a Mess but made the Best! We are a chosen generation, a peculiar people with a purpose. We must wear God's label so well that people will know that what's on the outside characterizes what on the inside - The God in us! Our God-brand should stand-out among all the rest as we represent the Most High God! We must never be ashamed to be identified as His children. There is no reason why we in America should be ashamed to be identified as believers. In the early church, if one was identified as a Christian, it would cause them their life or much persecution. This is why they used the symbol of the "fish" <>< when they met strangers. One would draw one part of the fish in the sand, and if the other person was a Christian, the other part would be drawn. This was how they identified each other.
           We must take our stand in a world that has lost their true identity and represent our God in bringing them back to their creator and maker. Let us refuse to be identified, labeled or branded by the things not representing Christ. We have been Marked by the Maker! Let us go forth and do our part in displaying who we are, whose we are and letting the lost know who they are in Christ!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

(Continuation of Monday's Blog)

        As long as you have something materialistic to give people, they will always be in your presence. When the funds, food, and whatever you have to offer them terminates, they will often leave you. Remember the prodigal son? When he had plenty, his friends were right there to help him enjoy it all. However, after all was gone and he had nothing, where were those who started out with him? Jesus' lesson to us in this text is to seek his heart more and not what he can do for you or what is in his hand or power to provide.
           Let us as people of God endeavor to seek the things of God which will sustain us throughout eternity. The woman at the well thought that Jesus was going to provide natural water for her continually. She found out that what he had to offer her was much better than the water she consistently drew from the well. Our desire should be to have more of him. When we get him, we will have all we need to accomplish what we need. When we seek first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness, then all these other things that we may desire or want, will be added or given unto us. As the popular song goes, "Some folk would rather have houses or land. Some folk choose silver or gold. But these things they treasure and forget about their soul, but I've decided to make Jesus my choice."

Monday, June 3, 2013

(Following Jesus for the right reasons)
John 6:26 - "Jesus answered them and said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw the miracles, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were filled."
John 10:10b - "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly".
Matt. 5:6 - "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled".

           As I read and meditate on the Gospel writers and reflect on the many miracles Jesus performed, I wonder why did so many people follow him? Did they follow him for the miracles of healing and deliverance and the gospel he taught and preached? Did they follow him because they knew he could feed them or fix their issues? Did they follow him because of who he was and who he represented and what he represented?
           We look around us today and see many ministries filled with followers or believers. Is it the Word and the truth that is being taught that people are clinging to or just another "club-type" organization to say they are a member of? Any church or ministry can have a "CHURCH FULL" but it should be that churches or ministries should want a "FULL CHURCH".
A CHURCH FULL can consist of all types of followers: just there without serious commitment to the ministry. They maybe there because there friends or loved ones are there, etc.
A FULL CHURCH will include those who are committed, willing to be discipled so they can disciple others, sold out for the sake of the gospel, full of the Word and the spirit of God living according to the standards of God and continuing to reach the lost at any cost for the sake of the Kingdom.
          Jesus stated it best in the Beatitudes above (Matt. 5:6). When we are willing to take up our crosses and follow Jesus, even if he doesn't do anything else for us, we have become true followers. Jesus dying for us and washing our sins away should be reason enough for us to follow him. Let us make sure we are following him for the right reasons so we can be a "Full Church" indeed.
(Part 2 of this blog continues tomorrow).