(Matt. 22:14) "For many are called, but few
are chosen."
(Gal. 6:9) "And let us not be weary in well
doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not."
I experienced something that
was a first in my lifetime. It was when I attended a Job Fair in my area. In the past, I've
stood in long lines at amusement parks; I've been stuck in traffic jams on the freeway for hours,
but never have I had to stand in the heat outside for over 3 hours at a Job
Fair. There were over 200+ people in line and I was #27. Looking behind me I
felt blessed knowing I would've been one of those at the very end of the line. I
rejoiced as the line began to move forward and my name was finally called to be
interviewed. Of all those who withstood the heat, hurting feet and the long
wait, only a select few would be chosen for the position offered. Sometimes, in
order to get something you want, you may have to do something you've never done
and that I did. We must be willing to make sacrifices at times to get what is
needed. It may be uncomfortable but if we want it bad enough, we will do what it
takes to obtain our blessing if it's God's will. We cannot give up when the odds
are against us.
I'm reminded of the story in St. John 5:1-15. So many people with different
issues came to the pool of Bethesda to be the one to receive their healing. At a
certain season, an angel got in the water and stirred it up. It didn't matter if
they were there before daybreak or the nearest one at the pool. The first one to
get in the water was the one who would receive their healing. After 38 years,
this particular impotent man had waited for his turn. Because of his physical
disability, he didn't have anyone to assist him in getting in the pool. He
probably became discouraged this particular time knowing he had to wait
another season before this opportunity presented itself again. I am so glad that
God's ways are not man's ways. When Jesus "shows up", he causes a
"mess-up" for our good.
Whatever was the tradition or custom of the day
became annul. Jesus was present on the
scene and saw the man and wanted to know one thing from him. He asked him, "Will
thou be made whole?" In other words, he was asking him if he was really serious
about changing his situation. If so, then it was up to the impotent man to make
the move. God works with our faith to
cause the impossible, possible! This impotent man not only gained his ability to
walk again but his sins were forgiven as well.
Life will often dictate to us various means of getting what we need to maintain
our lifestyles, livelihood or status quo. We may have to stand in long lines for
extended periods of time or perhaps wait for years until changes occur. When we
really and truly trust God and believe Him for the impossible, His delay doesn't
mean our request is denied. We must know what God has for us will manifest
itself in the fullness of time and the
season He has appointed for it to happen. In the meantime, we must wait
patiently and just thank Him in advance for what we have asked Him for. Hang in
there for you're NEXT UP in line for a miracle!